
Best Cyclotron Systems Announces Successful Completion of Initial Factory Acceptance Test for B6–15 MeV Proton Cyclotron

Best Cyclotron Systems of TeamBest Global Companies proudly announces successful completion of initial Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) of their novel B6-15p Cyclotron for a National Lab

VANCOUVER, British Columbia & OTTAWA, Ontario & WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On June 30, 2021, teams from Best Cyclotrons Systems (BCS in Vancouver, Canada) and sister-company Best Theratronics Ltd. (BTL in Ottawa, Canada) of TeamBest Global Companies (TBG), successfully completed the initial Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for their novel Best 6–15 MeV Proton Cyclotron for a National Lab. Krishnan Suthanthiran, President & Founder of TBG Companies said, "Today is a fantastic day, as the BCS-Vancouver and BTL-Ottawa teams worked flawlessly together in accomplishing the successful Factory Acceptance Test for the newest B6-15p Cyclotron, a very high current, variable energy system. This was truly a team effort and team success!"

He went on to say, "The B6–15p Cyclotron is the first of its kind in the world designed, developed and manufactured by an All Canadian Team of Staff. This is great news on the eve of Canada Day, July 1st, 2021 — we are extremely proud of both the BCS and BTL teams that worked tirelessly to make this happen. We are planning to deliver the B6–15p unit to the customer on schedule."

Best Cyclotron Systems (BCS), a member of the TeamBest Global Group of Companies, is a leader in the design, development and manufacture of novel cyclotrons for production of isotopes, beams and particles for health care institutions, research and academic centers. The New Best 6–15 MeV Variable Energy Cyclotron is a Shielded, Compact, High Current, Multi-Use Proton Cyclotron System, capable of producing a variety of medical isotopes for diagnosis and therapy, as well as generating neutron beams.

The unique features of the B6–15 Cyclotron System are:

– Production of a variety of isotopes F-18, Ga-68, Zr-89, Tc-99m, C-11, N-13, O-15, Cu-64, Ga-67, In-111, I-124, Ac-225, Pd-103, I-125 and more!
– Simultaneous production of F-18 and Ga-68 at high yield
– Up to 5 x 10^13 neutrons per second from external target
– 21 stripping foils at each stripping port for 2 minute rapid change
– Only shielded cyclotron of its kind that can produce both Technetium-99m and Actinium-225 — isotopes that are widely used for diagnostic and therapeutic applications
– Easy to Operate and Maintain with an External Ion Source

The New B6–15 Cyclotron has beam current capability up to 1000 µA with production targets that operate at high currents, giving maximum yields of positron emitters and neutron beams. The energy range is now tunable from 6 MeV to 15 MeV. This is especially important for Gallium-68 production where a lower energy is needed to eliminate Gallium-67 contamination. Regular maintenance checkups are performed from BCS support department in North America.

For more information about TeamBest Global Companies, Best Cyclotron Systems and Best Theratronics Ltd., please visit:


Related link June 3, 2021 Press Release:

To read the most recent news from TeamBest Global Companies, please visit: http://www.teambest.com/news_press.html.
For more information about Krishnan Suthanthiran, please visit his bio page at http://www.teambest.com/about_bio.html.


Krishnan Suthanthiran • President & Founder
TeamBest Global Companies & Best Cure Foundation
+1 703-451-2378 • marketing@teambest.com

TeamBest Global Companies

Release Summary
Best Cyclotron Systems Announces Successful Completion of Initial Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for B6–15 MeV Proton Cyclotron for a National Lab
Release Versions


Krishnan Suthanthiran • President & Founder
TeamBest Global Companies & Best Cure Foundation
+1 703-451-2378 • marketing@teambest.com

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