
BCF, BREF and TBG Companies Seek Global Financial Support to Establish 1000s of Best Cure Pro Health and Medical Centers

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dr. Krishnan Suthanthiran is the Founder and President of the Best Cure Foundation (BCF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation established in Springfield, Virginia, USA, in 2007. He also established the Brachytherapy Research & Education Foundation (BREF) as a non-profit in Springfield, Virginia, USA, in 1987.

Additionally, Suthanthiran founded TeamBest Global (TBG) Companies in 1977 and has acquired several companies over the last 20 years.

Suthanthiran's journey to address cancer began after losing his father to the disease in 1968. He has since dedicated over 50 years to finding ways to lower the cost of treatment and significantly improve clinical outcomes on a global scale.

Health is wealth. A healthy person has many wishes, but a sick person has only one: to get healthy. An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. BCF promotes a Total Health System of Prevention, Early Detection, Effective Treatment for Total Cure, and Proactive Health System with full transparency on clinical outcomes, benefits, and costs.

BCF's goals are to reduce deaths and suffering from cancer, heart disease, diabetes, infectious diseases, and other illnesses by 50% or more, at a lower cost, by 2040 or 2050, or sooner. Suthanthiran launched his Global War on Cancer on April 29, 2015, in memory of his late father.

In recognition of Suthanthiran's contributions and initiatives, Harvard University Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, USA, began hosting annual conferences on the first anniversary of the launch of Suthanthiran's Global War on Cancer and he had been a keynote speaker.

Suthanthiran has a two-part plan to accomplish his goals. In part one, he plans to establish BCF Pro Health Centers – BCF non-profit proactive, preventive, primary medical, dental and eye care wellness centers. Part two involves the establishment of BCF Medical Centers for Treatment, which will focus on all diseases as specialty medical centers and all of the centers operating 24/7.

As part of this plan, Suthanthiran aims to establish over a million square feet of high-tech manufacturing, office, R&D, packaging, crating, and storage space in the USA and India. TBG currently has available properties in both India and the USA, and these will be supplemented with new spaces to be acquired in both countries.

Suthanthiran has funded all of these activities personally for over 50 years, without any partners, private equity, or other financial contributions from others. However, the current plans are too large to be entirely funded by himself, despite using all of his assets towards these goals. Therefore, he is seeking financial support from others to carry out these significant goals. Please join and contribute. For more information visit www.bestcure.md.


Krishnan Suthanthiran, 703-451-2378, krish@teambest.com

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Krishnan Suthanthiran, 703-451-2378, krish@teambest.com

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