O2 Awards $6,000,000 in Incentives to Gym Members Who Kept Membership Active Through COVID-19 Shutdown
O2 Awards $6,000,000 in Incentives to Gym Members Who Kept Membership Active Through COVID-19 Shutdown
COLUMBUS, Ohio--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Thousands of independently owned and operated gyms were forced to shut down as a result of COVID-19 and struggled to retain members. In efforts to support these gyms, O2 united three other fitness brands and awarded $6,000,000 in incentives to approximately 60,000 gym members in June who kept their membership active for the month of May.
The #StayforMay initiative was spearheaded by O2 Recovery Drink, an oxygenated recovery drink brand sold at grocery stores, online, and gyms throughout the United States. O2, along with partner brands Born Primitive, Puori, and Bear KompleX, each pledged $25 of gift vouchers and credits toward their online stores for a total of $100 given to members of 1,918 gyms in June. In just 25 days, 59,523 members claimed their gift and enrolled in the program that awarded them for their loyalty and support of their local gym.
“Gym owners work tirelessly day in and day out to keep the rest of us fit and healthy, and we need them now more than ever. When we recognized an opportunity to help them with their most critical business function – member retention – we jumped on it,” said Dave Colina, O2’s Founder & CEO. “We were floored by how many members showed support to their gym during a time when most gyms in the US were shut down, and we were honored to be able to reward their loyalty.”
That feeling was shared by thousands of gym owners. “The gift was two-fold. One, to feel backed by such an honest and loved company (we drink O2 at our gym daily) and two, to be able to give something to our members as a way of saying, ‘I see you. Thank you,’” said Katie Hanger, owner of CrossFit Parable.
O2 also awarded gyms with the highest levels of member participation over $150,000 in prizes for gyms to monetize, and when combined with prizes from partners Born Primitive and Puori, that number rose to over $300,000 total.
“Our brands were born in the fitness community, and we’re proud to be able to pay that forward in a way that brings our community together and helps keep us strong,” said Colina.
The brand and partners are currently assessing other opportunities to help drive membership retention in the fall. For more information on the program, contact stayformay@drinko2.com.
About O2
Now more than ever, people are working out like elite athletes without taking the time to recover like the pros. O2 makes recovery more accessible, enjoyable, and convenient to help solve that problem. Developed by a physician and a CrossFit® trainer, O2 is a non-carbonated, keto-friendly recovery drink blending oxygenated water with electrolytes to help athletes accelerate their recovery without compromising their health. Spend less time recuperating and more time accomplishing. Check out drinko2.com for more info and follow @drinko2recovery on Instagram
Dave Colina