
Peter Gaccione joins TeamBest Global Companies as Head of Global Business Development

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--TeamBest Global has appointed Peter Gaccione as Head of Global Business Development. Mr. Gaccione will report directly to Krishan Suthanthiran, Founder & President of TeamBest Global Companies (TBG), Best Cure Foundation (BCF) and Kitsault Energy (KE).

TeamBest Global Companies promote Proactive Healthcare Delivery Systems worldwide, which are focused on transparency of clinical benefits, outcome and cost — using a Total Health Approach through prevention, early detection, and effective treatment for total cure to improve clinical outcomes at reduced cost. TBG and BCF are planning to create a global standard of healthcare delivery system using a hub-and-spoke model, with express and mobile clinics linked to general and super-specialty medical centers.

Prior to joining TBG, Mr. Gaccione served as President and Head of Sales for Myocardial Solutions Inc. and was a long-time employee of Elekta. During his 23 years at Elekta, he worked in all areas of the Radiation Oncology and Neuroscience business — from sales to marketing to executive management, where he spent his last years as Executive Vice President, North & Latin America and President of Elekta Inc.

To read the full press release, please visit: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/553966311/peter-gaccione-joins-teambest-global-companies-as-head-of-global-business-development

To read most recent news from TeamBest Global Companies, please visit: http://www.teambest.com/news_press.html

For more information about Krishnan Suthanthiran, please visit his bio page at http://www.teambest.com/about_bio.html.


Krishnan Suthanthiran • President & Founder
TeamBest Global • Best Cure Foundation • Kitsault Energy
7643 Fullerton Road, Springfield, VA 22153 USA
+1 703-451-2378

TeamBest Global

Release Summary
Peter Gaccione joins TeamBest Global Companies as Head of Global Business Development
Release Versions


Krishnan Suthanthiran • President & Founder
TeamBest Global • Best Cure Foundation • Kitsault Energy
7643 Fullerton Road, Springfield, VA 22153 USA
+1 703-451-2378

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