
World First From Unicontrol: Bespoke 3D Machine Control for Backhoe Operation

ODENSE, Denmark--(BUSINESS WIRE)--First off, Unicontrol pioneered a trail-blazing 3D machine control system designed for small excavators. The Danish company is now ready to launch its latest innovation: an intuitive control system intended specifically for backhoe loaders. The project was run in partnership with Huddig, the renowned Swedish machine manufacturer. Together, the two companies have developed a user-friendly control system for machine operators that not only widens the scope of backhoe operations, but also paves the way to increased profits

The less time construction machines spend standing still on site, the better it is for the bottom line of the project. Even though backhoes are much more versatile than standard excavators, these machines are often overlooked on large construction sites because – until now – there has not been a 3D control system that covered all their many functions. As a result, backhoes have not been able to collate all the relevant data and keep pace with the wave of digitalisation sweeping through the construction sector.

It is this challenge that Unicontrol has now neatly tackled in partnership with Huddig. The parties worked closely with backhoe operators in the development project to assure a peerless level of user-friendliness in the final, patent pending, universal solution.

Bengt Thisner is a backhoe operator with PEAB, a Nordic contractor that employs 15,000 people.

“I had Unicontrol 3D installed in my Huddig backhoe in January 2021. It’s turned out to be an excellent solution and I’m really pleased with it. The technical functions are helpful and stable, and it’s easy to use. All in all, it’s a solid, reliable aid to my backhoe work,” he says. As an added bonus, the new system means that Bengt’s employer no longer has to use surveyors and labourers to mark the site out manually – they can devote their time to more profitable tasks instead.

As a pioneer in the development of 3D machine control for all kinds of excavators, Unicontrol founded in 2018, has a network of 21 dealers supplying local service and support throughout Finland, Norway, and Sweden, as well as on its domestic market in Denmark. The company is expanding operations from Scandinavia into the rest of Europe, where Unicontrol is already receiving an increasing stream of enquiries from interested dealers, OEM partners and end customers.

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Press Coordinator for Unicontrol
Malene Grouleff
+45 28915809


Release Summary
World first from Unicontrol: bespoke 3D machine control for backhoe operation


Press Coordinator for Unicontrol
Malene Grouleff
+45 28915809

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