H Code Releases 2021 Hispanic Digital Fact Pack, The First In-Depth Analysis of the Hispanic Consumer Post-2020

The Fact Pack derived from H Code’s proprietary multicultural data analysis platform, uncovers Hispanics’ shifting preferences during a time of transformative change

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--()--H Code, the largest Hispanic digital media company in the U.S., today releases the 2021 Hispanic Digital Fact Pack, a new resource that provides insight into the nuances, attitudes, and digital consumption habits of the U.S. Hispanic consumer market following a year of fundamental change in the country’s socio-cultural landscape. Derived from insights and metrics provided by H Code’s proprietary Intelligence Center, the Hispanic Digital Fact Pack is a valuable resource for brands as they build out their multicultural engagement strategies, revealing just how much the audience craves a tailored, authentic approach. With the prospect of a return to form in 2021, the Fact Pack provides valuable insight for brands to navigate engaging with this segment during the ramping up period.

The Hispanic population is one of the fastest-growing demographic groups in the United States and holds significant influence on the economy and cultural landscape. In the past decade, Hispanics have accounted for 52% of all U.S. population growth and continue to outpace other non-Hispanic groups. To compare, the white population’s average growth rate fell slightly below zero while the Black population grew by less than 1% per year between 2015 and 2019. They hold a GDP of $2.6 trillion which is growing 72% faster than the economy overall and up 35% from 2010. With this in mind, it is critical for brands to engage with them effectively with increased precision.

“The Hispanic audience is a dynamic, rapidly changing segment that brands can’t afford to discount, especially as they continue to become more integral to the cultural fabric of this country. We hope this new resource will provide them with the guidance to engage with them with a renewed sense of authenticity and frequency,” says Parker Morse, Founder and CEO of H Code.

The 2021 Hispanic Digital Fact Pack uses data collected from the H Code Intelligence Center’s 2021 Hispanic Digital Consumption Survey, administered from Dec 14 to Dec 27, 2020. The study surveyed 1,269 Hispanic/Latinx respondents — both English and Spanish-speaking — and is representative of all main geographical areas of the United States. The Fact Pact is H Code’s latest research project following previous reports on Hispanic consumers focused on topics surrounding the pandemic, Presidential Election and more.

Topline insights from the Fact Pack include the following:

Internet Usage

86% of U.S. Hispanics have access to the internet at home, with most using smartphones and laptops to search for information, connect with loved ones or consume content. In a significant shift from previous years, smart TVs were the third most used device among Hispanics when using the internet with 21% more users compared to last year while 10% less consumers reported using tablets. This is likely attributed to the impact of the pandemic and the increased need for entertainment as Hispanics and those across the nation stay home.

Platforms and Devices

More respondents reported owning a smartphone compared to last year (95% vs. 93%) and have shown strong inclination to adopting other types of smart technology. When it comes to content consumption, 1 in 2 Hispanics have cut the cord and do not have a cable subscription at home. 83% of Hispanics also listen to audio and music online. Gaming has also been increasing among Hispanics, with almost 3 in every 4 Hispanics also owning a gaming console.

When it comes to social media, over three quarters of Hispanics spend a minimum of 3 hours every week on social platforms, compared to just over two thirds last year, which is where 56% of them say they are most likely to notice an ad. Influencer marketing has also caught on, with 69% not minding if an influencer promotes a brand as long as it seems authentic and sincere. TikTok usage has surged over the past year with 40% of Hispanics using the platform, representing an increase of 290% since last year. Video has also become the dominant content format, with 77% of Hispanic users favoring YouTube as their top online platform, displacing Facebook which saw a 5% drop-off.

Entertainment and Time Spent

With more Hispanic consumers staying home due to the pandemic, the internet has become their primary source of entertainment and also a powerful tool for the digital communities they often create. 64% reported spending more time connected to the internet than before. Hispanics are enthusiastic tech users and consumers of digital content, with the majority reporting spending at least 1 hour more on activities like streaming TV and movies, playing video games and playing online audio.

Behavior and Opinions

71% of Hispanics are more likely to think favorably about a brand or purchase products if they make an effort to include elements of their specific culture. Increasingly, the majority (70%) of Hispanics consider their culture a mix of American and Latinx culture, but the same majority do not think brands target Latinxs enough or understand Latinx culture. The key takeaway is that U.S. Hispanics are interested in brand values and are looking to engage with those who support their community or take the time to understand what matters most to them.

Accountability and a desire for diverse voices were highly resonant themes in social sentiment among Hispanic consumers with 76% saying they are more likely to shop from a brand that shares their values. They have also committed more strongly to advocating for social justice online with 66% using social media to share activist messages helping the community.

More of the Hispanic population is younger and U.S.-born which is dictating the way they consume content. Younger generations are showing a stronger preference for English or Bilingual ads, demonstrating that the outdated marketing practice of translation does not ensure success for advertisers and their campaigns.

The 2021 Hispanic Digital Fact Pack can be viewed in full here: LINK

About H Code

Founded in 2015, H Code has solidified its place as the largest Hispanic digital media company in the United States. Committed to reaching Hispanic audiences at scale, H Code strives to leverage its learnings, brand equity, and expertise to shape the future of media by unlocking diverse audiences through data and authentic creative and content. Today, H Code’s employee base is 84% multicultural, 65% Hispanic/Latinx, and 49% female across its offices in the U.S. and Latin America.

Named one of the fastest-growing private companies in the nation by multiple outlets, H Code strategically brings together targetable data, exclusive inventory, authentic creative and custom content, and more to influence powerful Hispanic consumers every day through digital and integrated campaigns. Backed by its proprietary intelligence platform that derives insights from a robust influencer network and the largest Hispanic digital panel, H Code delivers the most impactful, data-driven strategies to effectively reach and influence multicultural audiences online with unmatched authenticity.


Paolo Ramos/North 6th Agency for H Code
212.334.9753 ext. 135


Paolo Ramos/North 6th Agency for H Code
212.334.9753 ext. 135