
APR Launches New Digital Tool to Celebrate 30 Years of the APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability

Taking action to improve and expand recycling while reducing plastic waste

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) recently launched the new and improved APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability Digital Tool to commemorate its 30th anniversary. Widely recognized across the globe as the authority on plastics packaging design for recyclability, the APR Design® Guide helps companies measure each aspect of a package design against industry-accepted criteria to ensure that it is truly compatible with the recycling system.

Introducing an enhanced user experience with new capabilities and features to expand the reach and impact of this critical tool, key updates and improvements include:

  • Upgraded platform with simplified, user-friendly navigation.
  • Filters to quickly locate specific design guidance.
  • Customizable views providing simple summaries with options to expand for more technical detail.
  • Embedded, contextually relevant links to recommended next steps such as APR Design® Recognized solutions, testing protocols and resource documents.
  • Convenient links to easily forward essential guidance to colleagues.
  • A time stamped change log to provide transparency, credibility, and a quick way to monitor updates.

APR has also updated its full website, making it easier to find important resources and tools for stakeholders across the plastics recycling value chain and beyond. Users will now find a robust Policy Hub, an Academic Library linking to key research on plastics recycling, and a searchable database with filters to find podcasts, blogs, articles and more by topic.

“We are proud to commemorate 30 years of The APR Design® Guide for Plastics Recyclability,” said Steve Alexander, APR President & CEO. “With Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) and Mandated PCR legislation taking effect across the US, continued negotiations towards a Global Plastics Treaty, as well as PCR and sustainability commitments coming due on the near horizon, this new and improved digital tool could not have launched at a more important time.”

The APR Design® Guide is cited by leading organizations such as The Ellen MacArthur Foundation, The Recycling Partnership, US Plastics Pact, Walmart, and Consumer Goods Forum—and used by packaging producers and regulatory bodies worldwide, including regions in North America, Asia, Europe, and Africa. Most recently, the state of California has adopted the APR Design Guide into law, under “Truth in Labeling” law SB 343.

View this video for a brief tutorial on navigating the new and improved APR Design® Guide Digital Tool. Register now to attend an informational webinar on Wednesday, October 2nd to provide a more in-depth overview and guided tour.

“The APR Design® Guide has provided technical guidance to thousands of companies on plastic design for recyclability,” added Curt Cozart, APR COO and creator of the APR Design® Training Program. “This tool details which specific design features are compatible with other design features to ensure the overall plastic package performs most efficiently in the recycling system. The new APR Design® Guide Digital Tool puts everything at the designers’ fingertips in a new and intuitive platform enabling them to create packaging that meets their requirements, can be successfully recycled, and avoid landfills.”

Founded over 30 years ago by mechanical recyclers, the Association of Plastic Recyclers (APR) is an international non-profit and the only North American organization focused exclusively on improving recycling for plastics. APR’s tools and resources help companies design packaging that can be recycled, support innovations that overcome existing recycling challenges, and encourage stable and reliable markets for post-consumer recycled content. Visit plasticsrecycling.org for more information.


Kara Pochiro
APR VP of Communications & Public Affairs

Association of Plastic Recyclers

Release Versions


Kara Pochiro
APR VP of Communications & Public Affairs

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