
Jean-Philippe Poirault Joins the Advisory Board of Dawex

PARIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Dawex, the leader in data exchange solutions, today announced that Jean-Philippe Poirault joins the Advisory Board of Dawex. As Strategic Advisor, Mr. Poirault will advise the Executive team and bring its vision & experience in the global business, deepening Dawex success as a recognized Data Exchange leader. Former CEO of Big Data & Cyber Security business at Atos and member of the Atos Executive Board, Jean-Philippe Poirault brings more than 30 years of data, business & international expertise to provide strategic guidance.

In today's economy, the availability and the exchange of data have been identified as one of the key dimensions for leveraging digitization and artificial intelligence, and uplifting organization’s business & growth. The digital economy relies on data products, data exchange, data valuation, data commercialization and data protection.

Data ecosystems are now part of the strategic agenda of executive teams from a growing number of organizations. Any company will have to organize and orchestrate its data ecosystem. Creating trusted and secure data spaces by capitalizing on the potential of data exchange has demonstrated to be now of paramount importance.

“Let’s say it, I think there is a sense of urgency, also pushed recently by the Data Act. There is no way for an organization to survive the digital economy if it does not organize its data products and data exchange. And Dawex is at the heart of it.” says Jean-Philippe Poirault. “It’s a great pleasure for me to join the Dawex Advisory Board, as data exchange is indisputably an innovation catalyst and strategic business booster.”

“In the context of a highly evolving and competitive market, facing strong digitalization, organizations are seeking rapid and efficient responses to address their business, operations and environmental challenges. Data Exchange is undoubtedly a game-changer, enabling organizations to foster impactful and winning data strategies.” says Fabrice Tocco, co-CEO at Dawex. “We are extremely happy to have Jean-Philippe Poirault join the Dawex Advisory Board, and contribute to accelerating the company’s success.”

Prior, Jean-Philippe Poirault spent 5 years at Atos fulfilling Executive functions as Global Head of the Telecom Media Technology Industry, CEO of Big Data & Security business and member of the Atos Executive Board. Jean-Philippe was also President of Bull SAS, Board member of Gaia-X and Board member of the Cyber-Campus in France. Prior to Atos, Jean Philippe held responsibilities at AWS as Global Head of the AWS Telecom Industry Business Unit that he created within AWS, and at Ericsson as Senior Vice President & Global Head of the IT and Cloud Service Business Unit and member of the Executive Leadership team. Before Ericsson, Jean-Philippe was the President and Global Head of the Multi-media, IT and Telecom Service Business at Alcatel Lucent. Jean-Philippe graduated from CentraleSupelec with Engineering degrees.

About Dawex

Dawex is the leader in Data Exchange solutions to distribute or share data products, with trust, for any business case, in compliance with data regulations. With Dawex Data Exchange technology, organizations create data ecosystems and data spaces such as Corporate Data Hubs, Industry Data Hubs and Data Marketplaces to address economic, environmental and decarbonation challenges. At the invitation of the United Nations, Dawex joins the Data expert group of the United Nations Environment Program. Awarded Technology Pioneer by the World Economic Forum, Dawex is also the initiator of an international standardization program on Trusted Data Transaction. Created in 2015, Dawex is headquartered in France, expanding business operations to Europe, Asia, North America and the Middle East.


Press contact:
Isabelle Joulot
Vice President Communications & Marketing



Press contact:
Isabelle Joulot
Vice President Communications & Marketing

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