KSOC Launches Remediation-As-Code Response Option for Kubernetes
KSOC Launches Remediation-As-Code Response Option for Kubernetes
New product feature to enable developers to quickly and verifiably remediate Kubernetes security vulnerabilities
SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--KSOC, an event-driven SaaS platform built to automatically remediate Kubernetes security risks and enforce least privilege access control across distributed cluster infrastructures, today announced the launch of an industry-first remediation-as-code response option for its Kubernetes Detection and Response offering. The Remediation-as-code feature will provide a suggested remediation for a security finding, removing the burden placed on security engineers and application developers to implement an actionable fix to a security vulnerability. KSOC is the first organization in the market to offer this type of remediation response option for Kubernetes security vulnerabilities.
Enterprises are relying more heavily on Kubernetes, yet there is a short supply of professionals proficient in Kubernetes infrastructure. Through the launch of Remediation-as-code, KSOC is making Kubernetes security easier for people without deep subject matter expertise by suggesting an actionable fix rather than requiring the user to perform research on how to fix an issue. As a result, security teams can quickly, and verifiably remediate security vulnerabilities within their Kubernetes infrastructure. KSOC’s Remediation-as-code takes advantage of the verifiable and auditable nature of Git, by providing actionable remediation in the form of codified suggested changes in a pull request against a company’s GitOps repository. With this approach, the product automatically subjects the codified suggested fix, removing the need for security teams to translate vulnerabilities into a language developers can understand.
“Up until now, Remediation-as-code was not an option for Kubernetes users. The existing remediation process relied heavily on links to knowledge-based articles and blogs as a form of remediation, requiring developers and engineers to conduct extensive research, translate code language and independently implement a fix. This was both extremely time consuming and often ineffective,” said Jimmy Mesta, CTO and Co-Founder of KSOC. “Through the launch of our Remediation-as-code feature, we are removing the burden of knowing how and where to fix a security issue. It has been our mission since the start to help organizations accelerate their Kubernetes usage without risk of a security incident or the addition of more complex processes.”
“Since the emergence of Kubernetes, organizations have been struggling to minimize risk and avoid misconfigurations within its infrastructure largely because of the complexity of the system as a whole and the shortage of skilled professionals to manage this environment,” said Brooke Motta, CEO and Co-Founder at KSOC. “We are dedicated to building a platform that addresses all of the commonly felt Kubernetes challenges, without increasing workload to already overburdened security and developer teams. We are bringing revolutionary capabilities to market built that satisfy the necessary security components for today’s Kubernetes usage.”
KSOC has experienced incredible momentum over the past quarter, including the announcement of its Advisory Board and the appointment of key hires amongst the marketing and engineering teams. Additionally, on Wednesday, July 13th, KSOC’s CTO and Co-Founder, Jimmy Mesta will sit alongside Jack Zarris, Director of Sales Engineering at KSOC and Raj Umadas, Senior Platform Security Engineer, ActBlue Technical Services, as they detail the remediation-as-code response option. To watch the team demonstrate and describe what this addition offers to Kubernetes users, register here.
To learn more about KSOC, please visit: https://www.ksoc.com/
About KSOC
KSOC (Kubernetes Security Operations Center) reduces an organization's attack surface through Kubernetes Detection and Response (KDR) as well as Kubernetes Infrastructure Entitlements Management (KIEM). KSOC is the security partner of choice for enterprises looking to adopt and scale Kubernetes across their business without impacting development velocity. The event-driven, SaaS platform offers rapid remediation of misconfigurations and vulnerabilities, allowing developers and security teams to secure their workloads at code-level. To learn more: https://www.ksoc.com/.
Tori Odom
LaunchTech Communications