SquadLocker Teams Up With STEM Fuse To Make E-Team Jerseys Available To Students Everywhere
SquadLocker Teams Up With STEM Fuse To Make E-Team Jerseys Available To Students Everywhere
WARWICK, R.I.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--SquadLocker, the leading custom apparel, and gear software and fulfillment company, has partnered with STEM Fuse, a digital K-12 curriculum provider specializing in STEM, computer science, and CTE curriculum solutions, to deliver esports curriculum and player jerseys to schools across America.
Founded in 2009, STEM Fuse provides STEM curricula to over 15,000 schools across the United States. With the sole goal of providing impactful and affordable curriculum solutions for students and educators, STEM Fuse provides a free resource to aid schools in starting an esports program. Similar to the mission of SquadLocker, both brands provide a world-class buying experience while simultaneously encouraging students to pursue their sports, gaming, and STEM interests that they may have stifled due to limited funding.
“Learning about textile technologies and textile engineering has been a lifelong journey of mine,” said SquadLocker CEO, Gary Goldberg. “Working with STEM Fuse to develop curriculum that shares my knowledge and love of the textile industry and allows me a platform to share that with others is exciting to me. Kids will be able to learn about how fabric is made, printing and cut and sewn into a finished jersey. From there they will have a chance to have their self-created jersey shipped directly to their home."
“Jerseys are an important part of any team sport. However, when it comes to pro esports teams, jerseys and apparel are the centerpiece of their brand. STEM Fuse wanted to incorporate industry aligned projects for our students. We are excited about offering our students this unique curriculum that Gary, a third-generation textile engineer, has developed with us,” said STEM Fuse VP, Platform & eLearning Services, Tyler Tatge. “The applied learning component of allowing students to not only design their own jersey from SquadLocker, but also learn how to market and sell merchandise for fundraising, shows the application of textile technology and textile engineering in the real world, which we are thrilled about.”
The Start Your Esports Team Resource and the always-open online retail store technology launched on April 19 and is now available to students.
About SquadLocker:
SquadLocker is the leading custom apparel and gear software and fulfillment company transforming how sports organizations, schools, and businesses develop and distribute custom goods. Through its collaborative software platform, SquadLocker offers a suite of free services that free up time, offer brand control, and alleviate the burdens of managing and distributing custom apparel and gear. SquadLocker is powered by a team focused on helping teachers, coaches, mentors, and youth leaders win back time to help every kid realize and reach their full potential. To learn more, visit squadlocker.com.
About STEM Fuse:
STEM Fuse is a digital K-12 curriculum provider specializing in STEM, computer science, and CTE curriculum solutions. We were founded in 2009 and we’re currently being taught in over 15,000 schools across the United States. To learn more, visit https://www.stemfuse.com/Start-Esports-Team.
SquadLocker Press Contact:
Yasmeen Johnson