
CXL Consortium Signs Agreement with Gen-Z Consortium to Accept Transfer of Gen-Z Specifications and Assets

BEAVERTON, Ore.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The CXL™ Consortium, an industry standards body dedicated to advancing Compute Express Link™ (CXL™), today announced the acceptance of Gen-Z Consortium’s assets and the Gen-Z specification. Under the terms of the agreement it signed with the Gen-Z Consortium, the CXL Consortium will post the Gen-Z specification as an archive on CXL Consortium’s public website for five years. Upon completion of the asset transfer, the Gen-Z Consortium will begin finalizing operations.

“We are excited about the future of the computing industry with industry-leading companies focused on developing a single specification to advance interconnect technology,” said Hiren Patel, president, Gen-Z Consortium. “By consolidating all technology assets within a single organization, our member companies can dedicate resources to one industry organization and eliminate the risk of duplicated efforts moving forward. The Gen-Z Consortium leadership extends its gratitude to its members for helping to drive the industry ecosystem to achieve our original mission and goals.”

“The consortia have been working together since the inception of the CXL Consortium to define bridging between the protocols,” said Jim Pappas, chairman, CXL Consortium. “We look forward to welcoming Gen-Z members into the CXL Consortium to continue to advance the computing industry.”

About the CXL™ Consortium

The CXL Consortium is an industry standards body dedicated to advancing Compute Express Link™ (CXL™) technology. CXL is a high-speed interconnect offering coherency and memory semantics using high-bandwidth, low-latency connectivity between the host processor and devices such as accelerators, memory buffers, and smart I/O devices. For more information or to join, visit www.computeexpresslink.org.

Compute Express Link and CXL are trademarks of the CXL Consortium. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Elza Wong
Nereus for CXL Consortium

CXL Consortium

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Elza Wong
Nereus for CXL Consortium

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