
NCI Wins $89M U.S. Army INSCOM Contract to Enhance State-of-the-Art Command Center with IT Fit‑Out at New Operating Facility

RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--NCI Information Systems, Inc. (NCI), a leading provider of advanced information technology solutions and professional services to U.S. federal government agencies, announced today it has received a two-year $89 million contract from the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM) to provide IT Fit-Out services for its new Secure Admin Operating Facility (SAOF) at Fort Belvoir, Virginia. Under the contract, NCI will deliver full information technology (IT) and audiovisual (AV) engineering services to enhance the newly constructed, state-of-the-art INSCOM headquarters with powerful visualization displays to bolster the Army’s real-time awareness and support mission command of operational intelligence and security forces.

“In these times of rapidly evolving threat landscapes, the need for our customers to have immediate visibility of all current IT systems in one location is a critical part of ensuring continual operations for our nation’s defense mission,” said Paul A. Dillahay, president and CEO of NCI. “We are extremely proud to be supporting the Army INSCOM mission of enabling the right decisions at the right time, while collaborating with multiple agencies to defend our country. We look forward to deploying a truly remarkable, new kind of modernized IT environment that will support the needs of the Army’s SAOF today, and tomorrow.”

To fit out the highly-secure classified networks and mission-critical Fort Belvoir facility, NCI will be providing all personnel, equipment, supplies, transportation, tools, supervision and non-personal services necessary to perform IT and AV systems engineering, procurement, installation, testing and turnover. NCI is a Commercial Solutions for Classified (CSfC) trusted solutions integrator — an important and innovative National Security Agency program designed to quickly deliver secure cybersecurity solutions leveraging commercial technologies and products — and stands fully committed to helping INSCOM deliver on its mission in support of Army, joint forces and coalition commands, and the national intelligence community.

About NCI

NCI is a leading provider of enterprise solutions and services to U.S. defense, intelligence, health and civilian government agencies. Informed by over 30 years of experience solving its customers’ most important and complex mission challenges, NCI has been at the forefront of operationalizing AI methodologies and numerical algorithms for the U.S. government, particularly in the areas of warfighter enablement, digital transformation and advanced analytics. From its Scaling Humans with Artificial Intelligence (Shai®) philosophy to accelerate AI adoption in the public sector, the company recently launched the NCI Empower™ platform. NCI Empower is an open-architecture platform to provide secure, containerized access to deploy AI solutions and produce a government workforce that is exponentially more creative and productive. NCI is a mid-tier systems integrator headquartered in Reston, Virginia, and operates at locations across the globe. For more information, visit www.nciinc.com or email contactnci@nciinc.com.


Amanda Hall (NCI)
Director of Communications
(703) 707-6677

Empower AI

Headquarters: Reston, Virginia
CEO: Jeff Bohling
Employees: 800
Organization: PRI

Release Summary
NCI Information Systems awarded a two-year $89M contract from U.S. Army INSCOM to provide IT and AV fit-out at new Secure Admin Operating Facility.
Release Versions


Amanda Hall (NCI)
Director of Communications
(703) 707-6677

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