The Ultimate 2020 Investor Relations Communications Resource List
Communicating market-moving news in 2020 is unlike any other time in modern investor history. Business Wire's shares its curated list of 16 blog posts, guides and information centers to help investor relations teams connect and communicate with investors, employees and consumers.
Communicating market-moving news in 2020 is unlike any other time in modern investor history. From supply chain disruptions to workforce displacements, this global pandemic has single-handedly changed businesses and, with it, investor relations.
Below is our curated list of 16 blog posts, guides and information centers to help investor relations teams connect and communicate with investors, employees and consumers.
Investor Relations in a Crisis
- CFOs Gain Clarity Over How to Report on Covid-19, Says [PwC] Survey, IR Magazine
- The Novelty of the Coronavirus: What It Means for Markets, CFA Institute
- CFO Insights: Investor Relations: Adapting to the COVID-19 Next Normal, Deloitte
- 6 Considerations for Managing Investor Relations Amid the COVID-19 Crisis, Dix & Eaton
- Investor Relations Thoughts and Best Practices in the COVID-19 Environment, The BlueShirt Group
- Investor Relations in the COVID-19 World, Sharon Merrill
Investor Relations Communications Best Practices
- Practical Tips for Navigating the Q1 2020 Earnings Season, Financial Profiles
- Investor Relations Communication in a Time of Crisis: 6 Areas to Focus on, ICR
- How to Communicate with Investors During the COVID-19 Crisis, Gartner
- Investor Relations During COVID-19: Most Frequently Asked Questions, Q4
- Investor/Analysts Feedback to Covid-19, Solebury Trout (click tab to view content)
- Virtual Annual General Meetings – A Global Update, EQS Group
Bonus Useful Links
- Key Local Government Personnel You Need on Your Crisis Communications Team, ICMA
- Your One-Minute Guide to Stock Volatility, FINRA
- What the Stock Market Tells Us About the Post-COVID-19 World, Nature
- 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer, Edelman
These are unprecedented times for communicators. For additional information on how Business Wire can assist you in reaching your audiences when you need it most, please contact us.