The 2020 Public Affairs Resource List

The discussion of Public Affairs and Public Policy quickly emerges as more consumers turn their attentions to the role companies play in the local and global society.

bySerena Ehrlich


Last updated June 12, 2020

The world is changing. More and more consumers are turning their attentions to the role companies play in the local and global society. And with this attention, the discussion of Public Affairs and Public Policy quickly emerges. No longer is policy news limited to non-profit organizations, associations, special interest groups and government agencies; public and private corporations are taking a more active stance related to current legislation, particular issues and decisions.

To help you navigate our new normal, below is a list of blogs providing guidance on the latest trends in Public Affairs and Public Policies, and the various ways to find and reach the government officials for your organizational need and focus.

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Your voice matters. Let it be heard. For additional information on how Business Wire can assist you in reaching issues-focused reporters, government officials and interested members of the public, please contact us. 

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