
New justfly.com Survey Offers a Glimpse into How Americans are Using Social Media Platforms to Plan, Book, and Experience Travel

The Results Show Significant Differences Among Generations of Travelers

MONTREAL--(BUSINESS WIRE)--A new survey reveals that social media platforms are playing a role in influencing Americans’ decision making and buying preferences about where we travel. The national survey of 2000 Americans commissioned by justfly.com™, a leading online travel agency, sought insight into the state of U.S. travel, specifically how travelers perceive and value social media platforms. Research shows that Facebook and YouTube are the most used social media platforms while Pinterest and TikTok are used the least, with usage being strongly driven by age.

While Facebook has been around longer than some other social media platforms, data shows it continues to effectively engage audiences, reaching almost half of Gen Z and more than 70% of older groups. Meanwhile, YouTube is used by two thirds of Gen Z, nearly as many Millennials and still attracts almost four in 10 Baby Boomers.

“Like most aspects of our lives, social media continues to play a bigger and bigger role in what drives our decision making process. It’s clear that travel is no different. Social media will continue to have a huge impact in determining how consumers determine when and where they will travel. Americans are often inspired by what they see on social media,” said Henri Chelhot, justfly.com CEO.

Sources of Inspiration

Social media also plays an important role in other aspects surrounding travel. Of those surveyed, 68% said they share photos of their trips on social media, with 53% aiming to inspire others through their posts. Despite the effects of social media, personal networks have a more substantial impact, as 65% cite friends and family as the key influencers in choosing travel destinations. This preference extends to selecting vacation activities, with 63% looking to their close contacts as their primary source for recommendations. Travel blogs and Instagram also serve as important resources, ranking in second and third place respectively.

Generational Perspectives

Data shows clear significant generational differences in using social media for travel searches and posts.

For younger generations, specifically Gen Z and Millennials, social media is a key element in their travel decision making process. This is evidenced by 81% of Gen Z and 75% of Millennials affirming they consider social media when choosing a travel destination. In contrast, for older generations, such as Generation X and Baby Boomers, social media isn’t as critical—50% of Generation X and 32% of Baby Boomers acknowledged its significance for their travel planning.

When asked about how the photos they will be able to post on social media impact their choices, Generation Z felt the most strongly of each group. 52% of Generation Z indicated that the ability to post photos on social media played a role in selecting their vacation destination. Millennials followed closely at 48% but Generation X and Baby Boomers had the lowest responses at 33% and 16% respectively.

“It is not shocking that Gen Z and Millennials share similar views on social media, as these two generations were raised with these platforms. While all age groups feel strongly about having a positive travel experience, Generation X and Baby Boomers are not driven by what they may or may not post on social media,” Chelhot stated. “We remain dedicated to travelers regardless of where they fall on this spectrum.”

About justfly.com

justfly.com™, a Momentum Ventures subsidiary, is an online travel agency created to reach the North American market. Partnering with more than 400 airlines that travel to and from the U.S., justfly.com makes travel accessible, enabling more people to visit new places and explore new cultures. Since 2014, the company has been focused on offering the best travel options while providing a user-friendly and efficient customer experience. More can be found at justfly.com.


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