Online Newsrooms

Business Wire NewsHQsm: Your full-featured, self-service online newsroom.

Integrate Your News and Your Brand

Business Wire NewsHQsm provides your organization with a dynamic online newsroom that integrates with and draws traffic to your website.

Advanced management tools, high-capacity servers, search engine optimization, social media engagement features and measurement analytics provide valuable resources for you and your audiences.


  • Automatic posting of Business Wire press releases and affiliated multimedia
  • Self-publishing capabilities for content such as executive biographies, press kits, blog and social media posts
  • Multimedia galleries (logos, photographs, audio and video)
  • Easy-to-find PR contacts
  • Email alerts
  • Media request forms
  • Site analytics
  • RSS feeds
  • Branded navigation
  • Mobile-compatible website available as an add-on feature to the NewsHQ online newsroom, providing anytime, anywhere access to your brand's news and information on a branded platform rendered specifically for mobile viewing