
Business Wire gets your news to its destinations faster and more efficiently than any other service.

The Fastest, Most Reliable Distribution Service

Business Wire’s distribution is anchored by NX, our proprietary high-speed network which is patented in the United States, Canada and the European Union. That network is enhanced by partnerships and carriage agreements with all the world’s leading news agencies, including the Associated Press, Thomson Reuters, Agence France-Presse, the Press Association (UK), Interfax China, Jiji Press (Japan), Central News Agency (Taiwan), Newsis (South Korea) and many more.

Press Release Distribution

Business Wire sends your news, formatted for the most effective presentation, anywhere you need it to go. For additional reach and visibility, add our Global-Mobile-Social-Measurable (GMSM) features to ensure that your news is optimized for search, available to millions of mobile users worldwide, and shareable on all the most popular social networks.

Browse Distribution Lists on BusinessWire.com

Multimedia Distribution

Journalists and consumers want to see photos, videos and other multimedia, and we can help you deliver. Turn your press release into a Smart News Release and include high-resolution photos that can be viewed, shared and downloaded; videos available in multiple formats for every type of internet user; audio, infographics, PDF documents and more.

Search Engine Optimization

Optimizing your news for search is a critical part of any press release campaign. Our SEO services include keyword analysis and placement, plus step-by-step tips for formatting your news properly for search. Distribution includes placement on BusinessWire.com, our search optimized news website.

Financial News Distribution

For companies that are publicly traded in North America or Europe, Business Wire can fulfill your statutory disclosure requirements. Business Wire is a recognized disclosure service in the US and Canada and meets disclosure requirements in a dozen European countries.

Online Newsrooms

NewsHQ is our industry-best online newsroom solution, providing a dynamic news site that integrates perfectly with your own company website.