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United States Toys Market Forecast Report and Competitive Analysis 2025-2033, Featuring Mattel, Hasbro, LEGO, Spin Master, Vtech, Nintendo, Funko, and JAKKS Pacific -

DUBLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The "United States Toys Market Size and Share Analysis - Growth Trends and Forecast Report 2025-2033" report has been added to's offering. The United States toys market size is expected to reach around US$ 42.93 billion by 2033. This will be up from US$ 29.23 billion in 2024. The market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 4.40% from 2025 to 2033, driven by increased demand for new and interactive toys, as well as an emphasis on ed...

Build-A-Bear Workshop Reports Record-Breaking Fourth Quarter and Fiscal 2024 Results; Increases Quarterly Dividend

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE: BBW) today announced results for the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2024 ended February 1, 2025. The 13-week fourth quarter and 52-week year ended February 1, 2025, are compared to the 14-week fourth quarter and 53-week year ended February 3, 2024. Fourth quarter revenues increased 0.8%, and pre-tax income increased 5.1%, both on a GAAP basis; excluding the extra week of operations in the fourth quarter of 2023, revenues increased 5....

Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. Announces Increase in Quarterly Cash Dividend

ST. LOUIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc. (NYSE: BBW) announced today that its Board of Directors declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.22 per share of issued and outstanding common stock representing an increase of 10%. The dividend will be paid on April 10, 2025, to all stockholders of record as of March 27, 2025. About Build-A-Bear Since its beginning in 1997, Build-A-Bear has evolved to become a beloved multi-generational brand focused on its mission to “add a little more h...

Jazwares Cares viert Squishmallows Day met de grootste eenmalige Squishmallows-schenking aan liefdadigheidsinstellingen over de hele wereld

PLANTATION, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Om de derde jaarlijkse Squishmallows Day op vrijdag 7 maart te vieren, kondigt Jazwares Cares, de filantropische tak van het internationale speelgoedbedrijf Jazwares, opgetogen aan dat de grootste eenmalige Squishmallows-schenking ooit aan kinderen en gezinnen in nood in de V.S., Europa en Australië zal worden geschonken. “Bij kinderen een glimlach op de lippen krijgen staat centraal in alles wat we doen,” verklaart Laura Zebersky, voorzitter en CEO van Jazwar...

Jazwares Cares celebra la Giornata degli squishmallow con la più grande donazione di squishmallow a enti di beneficenza in tutto il mondo

PLANTATION, Florida--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Per celebrare la terza edizione della Giornata degli squishmallow, venerdì 7 marzo, Jazwares Cares, il braccio filantropico dell'azienda globale di giocattoli Jazwares, è entusiasta di annunciare che la più grande donazione di squishmallow di sempre sarà destinata a famiglie e bambini bisognosi negli Stati Uniti, in Europa e in Australia. "Far sorridere i bambini è alla base di tutto ciò che facciamo", ha dichiarato Laura Zebersky, presidente e responsabile...

Jazwares Cares celebra el Día de los Squishmallows con una gigantesca donación única de Squishmallows a organizaciones benéficas alrededor del mundo

PLANTATION, Florida--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Este año, para celebrar por tercera vez el Día de los Squishmallows el viernes 7 de marzo, Jazwares Cares, la rama filantrópica de la compañía global de juguetes Jazwares, se complace en anunciar que, hará la donación de Squishmallows más grande de la historia a niños y familias necesitadas en los Estados Unidos, Europa y Australia. “Poner una sonrisa en el rostro de los niños es la motivación de todo lo que hacemos”, afirmó Laura Zebersky, presidenta y dir...

Jazwares Cares feiert Squishmallows-Tag mit der weltweit größten Einzelspende von Squishmallows an Wohltätigkeitsorganisationen

PLANTATION, Florida--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Anlässlich des dritten Squishmallows-Tages am Freitag, dem 7. März, freut sich Jazwares Cares, der philanthropische Arm des globalen Spielzeugunternehmens Jazwares, bekannt zu geben, dass die größte Squishmallows-Einzelspende aller Zeiten an bedürftige Kinder und Familien in den USA, Europa und Australien gehen wird. „Ein Lächeln auf die Gesichter von Kindern zu zaubern, steht im Mittelpunkt unseres Handelns“, sagte Laura Zebersky, Präsidentin und Chief Com...

Jazwares Cares célèbre la Journée des Squishmallows avec sa plus grande donation mondiale de Squishmallows à des associations caritatives

PLANTATION, Floride--(BUSINESS WIRE)--À l’occasion de la troisième édition de la Journée des Squishmallows, le vendredi 7 mars, Jazwares Cares, la division philanthropique de l’entreprise mondiale de jouets Jazwares, est fière d’annoncer la plus grande donation de Squishmallows jamais réalisée. Ces peluches seront offertes à des enfants et des familles dans le besoin aux États-Unis, en Europe et en Australie. « Voir le sourire illuminer les visages des enfants est ce qui nous motive chaque jour...

Jazwares Cares Celebrates Squishmallows Day With Largest Single Squishmallows Donation to Charities Worldwide

PLANTATION, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--To celebrate the third-annual Squishmallows Day on Friday, March 7, Jazwares Cares, the philanthropic arm of global toy company Jazwares, is thrilled to announce that the largest single Squishmallows donation ever will be given to children and families in need across the U.S., Europe and Australia. “Putting a smile on children’s faces is at the heart of everything we do,” said Laura Zebersky, President and Chief Commercial Officer for Jazwares. “As Squishmallo...

Funko Reports 2024 Fourth-Quarter, Full-Year Financial Results; Provides Full-Year Outlook for 2025

EVERETT, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Funko, Inc. (Nasdaq: FNKO), a leading pop culture lifestyle brand, today reported its consolidated financial results for the fourth quarter and full year ended December 31, 2024. The company also provided financial guidance for the 2025 first quarter and full year. Fourth-Quarter Financial Results Summary: 2024 vs 2023 Net sales were $293.7 million versus $291.2 million Gross profit was $124.4 million, equal to gross margin of 42.4%, compared with $109.4 million...