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Carriers and Services

Intrepid Fiber Breaks Ground to Bring Fiber Broadband to Superior

SUPERIOR, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--On Tuesday, Intrepid Fiber Networks held a groundbreaking ceremony in the Town of Superior, Colorado, to officially commemorate the beginning of construction of its open-access fiber broadband network. This network will provide residents and businesses with symmetrical, multi-gigabit internet speeds which will revolutionize the city’s digital infrastructure and meet broadband demands of the future. Intrepid is already underway with its project to connect Superi...

Comcast to Host First Quarter 2025 Earnings Conference Call

PHILADELPHIA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Comcast Corporation will host a conference call with the financial community to discuss financial results for the first quarter on Thursday, April 24, 2025, at 8:30 a.m. Eastern Time (ET). Comcast will issue a press release reporting its results earlier that morning. The conference call will be broadcast live on Comcast’s Investor Relations website at A replay of the call will be available starting at 11:30 a.m. ET on Thursday, April 24, 2025, on th...

Midco® Announces Mobile Agreements with Telgoo5, BlueConnects

SIOUX FALLS, S.D.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Midco announced a major milestone in the development of its mobile product today after signing delivery agreements with Telgoo5 and BlueConnects. “We are thrilled to begin a new chapter in Midco history as we prepare to deliver premier mobile services to our customers with Telgoo5 and BlueConnects,” said Midco President and Chief Operating Officer Ben Dold. “Midco Mobile represents an inflection point for a company that has continuously evolved to meet custom...

Telness Tech bringt europäische Technologie zu US-amerikanischen MVNOs im T-Mobile-Netz

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telness Tech freut sich, die Verfügbarkeit seiner Dienste für Betreiber virtueller Mobilfunknetze (MVNOs) im T-Mobile-Netz, einem der fortschrittlichsten Mobilfunknetze der Welt mit landesweitem 5G Standalone, bekannt zu geben. Diese Möglichkeit erlaubt die Integration der BSS/OSS-Plattform von Telness Tech in das 5G-Netz von T-Mobile und unterstützt MVNOs in den USA bei der Einführung und Erweiterung ihrer Dienste. Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt für Telness Tech auf...

Telness Tech porta la tecnologia europea agli operatori MVNO statunitensi su rete T-Mobile

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telness Tech è entusiasta di annunciare la disponibilità dei propri servizi per gli operatori di reti virtuali mobili (MVNO) sulla rete T-Mobile, una delle reti mobili più avanzate al mondo con 5G Standalone a livello nazionale. Questa opportunità consente l'integrazione della piattaforma BSS/OSS di Telness Tech con la rete 5G di T-Mobile, aiutando gli operatori MVNO negli Stati Uniti a lanciare e sviluppare i propri servizi. Si tratta di un traguardo importante per T...

Telness Tech lleva tecnología europea a los operadores de red virtual móvil de los EE. UU. en la red de T-Mobile

NUEVA YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telness Tech tiene el agrado de anunciar la disponibilidad de sus servicios para operadores de red virtual móvil (MVNO) en la red de T-Mobile, una de las redes móviles más avanzadas del mundo con cobertura nacional de 5G autónoma. Esta oportunidad permite la integración de la plataforma de sistemas de soporte operativo y sistemas de soporte comercial (BSS/OSS) de Telness Tech con la red 5G de T-Mobile, lo que facilita el lanzamiento y la expansión de los servicios q...

Telness Tech brengt Europese technologie naar Amerikaanse MVNO's op het T-Mobile netwerk

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telness Tech is verheugd aan te kondigen dat zijn diensten voor mobiele virtuele netwerk-operators (MVNO's) beschikbaar zijn op het T-Mobile netwerk, een van 's werelds meest geavanceerde mobiele netwerken met landelijke 5G Standalone. Hierdoor integrateert het BSS/OSS-platform van Telness Tech met het 5G-netwerk van T-Mobile, waardoor MVNO's in de VS hun diensten kunnen lanceren en uitbreiden. Dit is een belangrijke stap voor Telness Tech op de Amerikaanse markt. Doo...

Telness Tech apporte la technologie européenne aux MVNO américains via le réseau T-Mobile

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Telness Tech est heureux d'annoncer la disponibilité de ses services pour les opérateurs de réseaux mobiles virtuels (MVNO) sur le réseau T-Mobile, l'un des réseaux mobiles les plus avancés au monde avec 5G Standalone à l'échelle nationale. Cette opportunité permet l'intégration de la plateforme BSS/OSS de Telness Tech avec le réseau 5G de T-Mobile, permettant ainsi aux MVNO aux États-Unis de lancer et de développer leurs services. Ceci marque une étape importante pou...

C Spire Partners with bolt to Launch C Spire Tech Protection for Home Devices

RIDGELAND, Miss.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--C Spire, a diversified telecommunications and technology services company, announces a partnership with bolt, the insurtech with the world’s largest technology-enabled insurance exchange, to launch C Spire Tech Protection, a new home device protection offering. In today’s digitally connected world, consumers invest significantly in tech devices, often adding extended warranties that can be expensive and complex to manage. C Spire Tech Protection streamlines th...

Evolve Security to Revolutionize Pen Testing Industry, Expands Executive Team with World-Class Industry Leaders and Completes Funding Round

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Evolve Security, a leader in proactive offensive cybersecurity, announces three executive hires – Mark Carney as Chief Executive Officer; Ray Ruemmele as Chief Revenue Officer; and Jason Rowland as Chief Delivery Officer. With a successful funding round completed, Evolve Security is poised for accelerated expansion after a record-breaking 2024. The new executive line-up starts with Mark Carney, who brings a proven track record of building rapid-growth cyber consulting...
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