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Skillz Reports 2024 Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results
LAS VEGAS--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Skillz Inc. (NYSE: SKLZ) (“Skillz” or the “Company”), the leading mobile games platform bringing fair competition to players worldwide, today reported financial results for the fourth quarter and fiscal year ended December 31, 2024. Fourth Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights: Revenue of $20.4 million Gross profit of $17.1 million Net loss of $26.4 million Adjusted EBITDA1 of $(18.5) million Paying monthly active users (PMAU)2 of 110,000 Average Revenue Per Paying Month...
The Cowboy Channel Secures Exclusive Broadcast Rights to Women’s Rodeo World Championship and PBR World Finals - Ride for Redemption
FORT WORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Cowboy Channel, the leading broadcast home for Western sports and a Teton Ridge property, today announced it is the exclusive broadcast partner of the 2025 Women’s Rodeo World Championship (WRWC) and 2025 PBR World Finals - Ride for Redemption. The landmark agreement underscores TCC’s commitment to expanding visibility for rodeo’s top athletes – both rising stars and established champions – while giving fans unprecedented access to the sport’s most thrill...
GRID Partners with to Enhance GRID Play with Advanced Game Observability Solutions
LAS VEGAS & BERLIN--(BUSINESS WIRE)--GRID, the intelligence engine behind competitive gaming, announces, an observability platform, as the first Technology Partner of GRID Play, a dedicated solution for in-game data extraction, distribution, and management for competitive games. GRID Play provides structured, post-game multiplayer data solutions, enabling developers to gain insights, track meta trends, create leaderboards, source player stats, and distribute data via public APIs to co...
Hello Kitty Island Adventure Sells Over Half a Million in 30 Days
BOULDER, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Hello Kitty Island Adventure, from celebrated indie Sunblink, has surpassed 500K digital sales across Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam....
Sinclair Cares: From Homeless to Hope
BALTIMORE & ALEXANDRIA, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Sinclair today announced a partnership with The Salvation Army to launch Sinclair Cares: From Homeless to Hope, a nationwide initiative dedicated to raising awareness about homelessness. With financial instability on the rise and many Americans just one paycheck away from crisis, Sinclair Cares: From Homeless to Hope aims to shed light on the many faces of homelessness and highlight solutions that offer hope and stability. As part of the effort, Sin...
Riassunto: Le tecnologie di Regula entrano nelle sfilate di moda all'Intergraf Currency+Identity di Milano
RESTON, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regula, sviluppatore globale di dispositivi forensi e di soluzioni per la verifica dell'identità, ha portato la verifica dei documenti in passerella all'evento annuale della conferenza Intergraf Currency+Identity. Le lenti stampate, gli ingranditori e le torrette per filtri ottici di Regula sono diventati elementi di design chiave in una sfilata di moda che ha visto protagonisti personaggi iconici di Milano: l'impiegato, il turista curioso, l'artista di strada...
Samenvatting: De technologieën van Regula kwamen op de voorgrond in een modeshow tijdens Intergraf Currency+Identity in Milaan
RESTON, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regula, een internationale ontwikkelaar van forensische apparaten en oplossingen voor identiteitscontrole, heeft documentencontrole op de catwalk gebracht tijdens de jaarlijkse Intergraf Currency+Identity conferentie. Regula’s vormgegeven lenzen, loepen en optische filterschijven werden opzienbarende designelementen in een modeshow waarin emblematische Milanese personages optraden: de kantoorbediende, de nieuwsgierige toerist, de straatartiest en het kind dat van e...
Resumen: Las tecnologías de Regula triunfan en el desfile de moda de Intergraf Currency+Identity de Milán
RESTON, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regula, desarrollador mundial de dispositivos forenses y soluciones de verificación de identidad, llevó la verificación de documentos a la pasarela de la conferencia anual Intergraf Currency+Identity. Las lentes moldeadas, los magnificadores y las torretas de filtros ópticos de Regula se convirtieron en elementos de diseño clave en un desfile de moda protagonizado por icónicos personajes de Milán: el oficinista, el turista curioso, el artista callejero y el ni...
Les technologies de Regula défilent au salon Intergraf Currency+Identity à Milan
RESTON, Virginie--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regula, développeur mondial de dispositifs d’identification et de solutions de vérification d’identité, a mis la vérification de documents sur le podium lors de la conférence annuelle Intergraf Currency+Identity. Les lentilles moulées, les loupes et les tourelles de filtre optique de Regula sont devenues les éléments clés d’un défilé de mode mettant en scène des personnages milanais emblématiques : l’employé de bureau, le touriste curieux, l’artiste de rue et...
Regulas Technologien erobern die Modenschau der Intergraf Currency+Identity in Mailand
RESTON, Virginia--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Regula, ein weltweiter Entwickler von forensischen Geräten und Lösungen zur Identitätsprüfung, brachte bei der jährlichen Intergraf Currency+Identity-Konferenz die Dokumentenprüfung auf den Laufsteg. Regulas geformte Linsen, Lupen und optische Filtertürme wurden zu zentralen Designelementen einer Modenschau mit ikonischen Mailänder Charakteren: dem Büroangestellten, dem neugierigen Touristen, dem Straßenkünstler und dem Kind, das Gelato isst. Die Intergraf Cur...
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