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The Alto Knights (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Available Now
LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Alto Knights (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) Available Now...
Riassunto: La piattaforma specializzata in investimenti nel settore della musica Round Hill Music rafforza ulteriormente la dirigenza con due assunzioni strategiche
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Round Hill Music Royalty Partners LP (“Round Hill Music” o la “Società”), la pionieristica piattaforma di private equity fondata nel 2010 che attualmente gestisce un portafoglio di diritti musicali del valore di circa 900 milioni di dollari, ha nominato Jeff Bunder al ruolo di Direttore finanziario globale e James King a quello di Direttore capitali. Questi due nuovi ruoli rafforzano ulteriormente il gruppo dirigente Round Hill sullo sfondo di una continua espansione...
La plateforme d’investissement musicale Round Hill Music renforce son équipe de direction avec deux recrutements stratégiques
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Round Hill Music Royalty Partners LP (« Round Hill Music » ou la « société »), la plateforme pionnière de capital-investissement fondée en 2010 qui gère actuellement un portefeuille de droits musicaux d’environ 900 millions de dollars, a nommé Jeff Bunder au poste de directeur financier mondial et James King au poste de directeur des capitaux. Ces postes nouvellement créés renforcent l’équipe de direction de Round Hill dans le contexte d’une expansion continue du marc...
Samenvatting: Gespecialiseerd muziekinvesteringsplatform Round Hill Music versterkt verder zijn leidinggevende team met twee strategische aanstellingen
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Round Hill Music Royalty Partners LP (“Round Hill Music” of de “Vennootschap”), het baanbrekende private equity-platform dat in 2010 werd opgericht en momenteel een portefeuille van 900 miljoen Canadese dollar aan muziekrechten beheert, heeft Jeff Bunder aangesteld als Global Chief Financial Officer en James King als Chief Capital Officer. De nieuw gecreëerde posities versterken verder Round Hill's leidinggevende team tegen de achtergrond van een voortdurende uitbreid...
Spezialisierte Musik-Investitionsplattform Round Hill Music verstärkt Führungsteam mit zwei strategischen Neueinstellungen
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Round Hill Music Royalty Partners LP („Round Hill Music“ oder das „Unternehmen“), die 2010 gegründete, bahnbrechende Private-Equity-Plattform, die derzeit ein Portfolio von Musikrechten im Wert von ca. 900 Millionen US-Dollar verwaltet, hat Jeff Bunder zum Global Chief Financial Officer und James King zum Chief Capital Officer ernannt. Die neu geschaffenen Positionen stärken das Führungsteam von Round Hill vor dem Hintergrund einer anhaltenden Expansion des Marktes fü...
Urban One Audiences Unite to Raise $1.6 Million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital
MEMPHIS, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Radio One and Reach Media, the audio divisions of Urban One, joined forces for the annual Urban Cares for St. Jude Kids radiothon on March 6 and 7, raising $1.6 million for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.® “For almost two decades, our partners and friends at Urban One have brought people together to advance a common goal: helping kids with cancer and other life-threatening diseases,” said Ike Anand, interim CEO of ALSAC, the fundraising and awareness orga...
The Walt Disney Company to Webcast Its Annual Meeting of Shareholders
BURBANK, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The annual meeting of shareholders of The Walt Disney Company (NYSE: DIS), including remarks by management regarding the Company, will be available live via webcast at beginning at 1:00 p.m. ET / 10:00 a.m. PT on March 20, 2025. The webcast presentation will be archived. Webcast may include forward-looking information....
Resumen: La plataforma especializada en inversión musical Round Hill Music refuerza su equipo ejecutivo con dos contrataciones estratégicas
NUEVA YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Round Hill Music Royalty Partners LP («Round Hill Music» o la «empresa»), la pionera plataforma de capital privado fundada en 2010 que actualmente gestiona una cartera de derechos musicales de unos 900 millones de dólares, ha nombrado a Jeff Bunder director financiero global y a James King director de Capital. Los puestos recién creados refuerzan aún más el equipo ejecutivo de Round Hill en un contexto de continua expansión del mercado de derechos musicales y de un...
Legend AI Partners with T&B Media Global to Bring Artists and Creatives New Revenue Streams From AI-Generated Content – Now and Forever
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Legend AI and T&B Media Global Partner to Deliver Long-Term Revenue Streams for Notable Figures Around the World...
Specialist Music Investment Platform Round Hill Music Further Strengthens Executive Team With Two Strategic Hires
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Round Hill Music Royalty Partners LP (“Round Hill Music” or the “Company”), the pioneering private equity platform founded in 2010 that currently manages a c.US$900 million portfolio of music rights, has appointed Jeff Bunder as Global Chief Financial Officer and James King as Chief Capital Officer. The newly created positions further strengthen Round Hill’s executive team against the backdrop of a continuing expansion of the music rights market and increasing appetit...
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