
CORRECTING and REPLACING Final Group of Striking Education Workers Vote for Settlement

CORRECTION...by Canadian Union of Public Employees

CALGARY, Alberta--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Second paragraph, first sentence of release should read: CUPE 5040 members at the Foothills School Division voted 68% to accept their settlement (instead of CUPE 5040 members at the Parkland School Division voted 68% to accept their settlement).

The updated release reads:


The last of nine groups of striking education workers voted to accept a settlement.

CUPE 5040 members at the Foothills School Division voted 68% to accept their settlement. They will return to work on Monday.

This marks the end of the largest strike in CUPE Alberta’s history.

Details of the settlements will be released shortly.

:clc/cope 491


Lou Arab, Communications Representative
780.271.2722 | larab@cupe.ca

Canadian Union of Public Employees

Release Versions


Lou Arab, Communications Representative
780.271.2722 | larab@cupe.ca

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