AM Best Affirms A+ (Superior) Rating and Revises Outlook to Positive for RLI Corp., RLI Insurance Co., Mt. Hawley Insurance Co. and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Co.

PEORIA, Ill.--()--RLI Corp. (NYSE: RLI) -- RLI Corp. announced today that its A+ (Superior) financial strength rating (FSR) has been affirmed by AM Best Company for the following insurance subsidiaries: RLI Insurance Company, Mt. Hawley Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company.

AM Best also revised the outlook to positive from stable and affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Credit Ratings (ICR) for each RLI company. The RLI Corp. ICR of “a” (Excellent) was affirmed and the ICRs of “aa” (Superior) have been affirmed for the following subsidiaries: RLI Insurance Company, Mt. Hawley Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company.

AM Best, a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry, stated in its press release that the ratings “reflect RLI’s balance sheet strength, which AM Best assesses as strongest, as well as its strong operating performance, favorable business profile and very strong enterprise risk management.”


RLI Corp. (NYSE: RLI) is a specialty insurer serving niche property, casualty and surety markets. The company provides deep underwriting expertise and superior service to commercial and personal lines customers nationwide. RLI’s products are offered through its insurance subsidiaries RLI Insurance Company, Mt. Hawley Insurance Company and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Company. All of RLI’s subsidiaries are rated A+ “Superior” by AM Best Company. RLI has paid and increased regular dividends for 49 consecutive years and delivered underwriting profits for 29 consecutive years. To learn more about RLI, visit


Aaron Diefenthaler
Chief Investment Officer & Treasurer

Release Summary

AM Best affirms A+ (SUPERIOR) rating for RLI Corp., RLI Insurance Co., Mt. Hawley Insurance Co. and Contractors Bonding and Insurance Co.

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Aaron Diefenthaler
Chief Investment Officer & Treasurer