NPCC Northeast Gas/Electric System Study
NPCC Northeast Gas/Electric System Study
The Study Covers New York and New England
NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--The Northeast Power Coordinating Council (NPCC) today announced completion of the NPCC Northeast Gas/Electric System Study. Initiated in 2023, the study evaluated New York and New England gas supply and pipeline constraints for extreme and protracted winter events during the peak heating season, from December through February, for three time periods: 2024/25 (short-term), 2027/28 (mid-term) and 2032/33 (long-term).
A Steering Committee, consisting of NPCC, the New York Independent System Operator, ISO New England, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation, and the Northeast Gas Association supported the evaluation.
The study quantified the physical capability of the consolidated network of pipeline and natural gas storage infrastructure to serve gas-fired generation under cold weather conditions; assessed the resilience of the natural gas infrastructure to withstand postulated gas and electric contingencies while continuing to serve high-priority gas distribution company loads and scheduled gas-fired generation under cold and milder weather conditions; assessed mitigation measures when contingencies occur; and, identified key uncertainty variables and risk factors affecting gas/electric interdependencies.
“The study shows that the Region’s natural gas infrastructure is fully utilized during the modeled extreme cold weather period,” said Charles Dickerson, President and Chief Executive Officer of NPCC. “However, as with any system, there are constraints and inter-dependencies between the gas and electric systems. Should any of the modeled gas-side contingencies occur during a cold snap, or if extreme cold weather conditions last longer than the three-day periods modeled in this study, it will likely add significant stress to the consolidated network of gas pipeline and storage infrastructure in New England and New York. Sustained extreme cold temperatures will likely heighten electric reliability challenges in the northeast if oil inventory cannot be replenished on a timely basis,” he added.
A summary of the study’s findings is available at:
About NPCC
NPCC is one of six Regional Entities located throughout the United States, Canada, and portions of Mexico. NPCC’s geographic area includes the state of New York, the six New England states, Ontario, Québec, and the Canadian Maritime Provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Overall, NPCC covers an area of nearly 1.2 million square miles, populated by more than 56 million people.
NPCC is responsible for promoting and enhancing the reliability of the international, interconnected bulk power system in Northeastern North America. NPCC carries out its mission through: (i) the development of regional reliability standards and compliance assessment and enforcement of continent-wide and regional reliability standards, (ii) coordination of system planning, design and operations, and assessment of reliability, and (iii) the establishment of regionally specific criteria and monitoring and enforcement of compliance with such criteria.
Jacqulyn Priestly (202) 251-9703