
Wright Defense Releases Wright Dynamo Smart 30 kW Generator for Agile Combat Employment

MALTA, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Today, in conjunction with the AFA 2024 Air, Space & Cyber Conference, Wright Defense releases the 2nd Generation of the Wright Dynamo Smart 30 kW Generator. The Wright Dynamo generator has been developed with the U.S. Air Force’s Contingency Response Group (CRG) and Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC).

The Dynamo Smart Generator is three products in one compact package:

  • 30 kilowatt (kW) military-grade inverter generator that outputs AC and DC - up to 20% more efficient than commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) military generators.
  • Microgrid hub that connects solar, wind, and batteries - extending re-supply requirements up to 2x by storing energy and using renewables.
  • Aircraft start-cart - ability to start multiple aircraft.

The Wright Dynamo Generator is half the size and half the weight of COTS generators. This is useful in Agile Combat Employment (ACE) operations in which physical space on a cargo air transport aircraft is limited: Six Dynamo generators can fit on a standard 463L pallet compared to only two COTS 30 kW generators on a standard 463L pallet.

“Efficient power generation is a key priority for Agile Combat Employment, and we are happy to support the CRG and AFSOC with an ultra-compact solution that changes the game in logistics management,” says Earl Fairall, Head of Wright Defense Power Systems division.

Wright Defense is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Wright Electric, a leading developer of high performance motors and batteries for the Aerospace & Defense industry. Since 2021, Wright has been working with the U.S. Air Force on lightweight power generation solutions. The Wright Dynamo generator is in its second iteration, the first having been developed through Blue Horizons, an Air Force Chief of Staff-chartered fellowship hosted by the Center for Strategy and Technology at Maxwell AFB.

For more information, please visit https://www.weflywright.com/generator.


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