100 Percent Car Crash Survival Rate in 16 Years of Customer-Reported Data Collected by Sleepypod

Since debuting its car safety restraints for pets in 2008, Sleepypod has not recorded a single fatality or injury in an auto accident.

Every Sleepypod product in this photo protected a pet in a real-life car collision. Customers submitted the products and crash information to Sleepypod's Crash Replacement Program. (Photo: Sleepypod)

PASADENA, Calif.--()--Sleepypod®, a Pasadena-based company known for reinventing pet products through innovative design, today announces zero pet fatalities and injuries after 16 years of customer-reported data collection through its Crash Replacement Program. Through the program, any Sleepypod product used by a pet in a car collision can be returned to Sleepypod and replaced with a new product at no cost.

“Since debuting our car safety restraints for pets in 2008, Sleepypod has been committed to protecting pets from the time of a collision and then extending safety afterward through our Crash Replacement Program,” says Michael Leung, Sleepypod co-founder and lead product designer.

“The integrity of a pet safety restraint can be compromised due to the forces on it in an automobile accident,” Leung continues. “Data from Sleepypod products that have been put to the test in these real-life accidents, in combination with rigorous lab testing, helps Sleepypod create safer pet products.”

Safety testing includes crash-testing every Sleepypod car harness and carrier at U.S., Canadian, and E.U. child safety seat standards using any one or a combination of Sleepypod’s proprietary crash test dummy dogs or cats. Learn more about Sleepypod’s crash test pets at Sleepypod.info/Research.

All Sleepypod carriers and car harnesses are equipped with a carefully designed Pet Passenger Restraint System (PPRS), which secures a pet in a vehicle and restricts harmful movement resulting from a sudden vehicle stop or frontal collision. Leung says, “In a collision, Sleepypod pet safety restraints are designed to keep a pet from sliding off the seat, control rotation, minimize lift, and decelerate damaging forces on the body.”

Information about Sleepypod’s Crash Replacement Program is at Sleepypod.info/Safety.

Customer reports of pets surviving a vehicle collision while buckled in with a Sleepypod harness or carrier are at Sleepypod.info/CrashSurvivors

Download photos of accident-tested Sleepypod products at sleepypod.info/PhotosRealLifeTested.

About Sleepypod

Sleepypod transformed pet product design with the introduction of its multiple award-winning, innovative Sleepypod mobile pet bed in 2006. Visually bold and intuitive, the Sleepypod, made from durable, high-quality materials, set a new standard for pet products to include safety testing. Today, Sleepypod products continue to set the high bar for pet product safety and design. Every product is designed with thoughtful features for efficient living and then tested for safety. From the BPA-free silicone in Sleepypod’s Yummy Travel Bowls to the crash-testing of Sleepypod’s entire carrier and car harness lines at U.S., Canadian, and E.U. child safety seat standards, Sleepypod devotes careful and caring attention to each detail in every product. Sleepypod.com


Jane Skuta at press@sleepypod.com

Release Summary

100 Percent Car Crash Survival Rate in 16 Years of Customer-Reported Data Collected by Sleepypod


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Jane Skuta at press@sleepypod.com