
BETA Healthcare Group Announces Alignment with CMS’ PSSM

Consulting services will help hospitals meet new CMS requirements for patient safety

ALAMO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--BETA Healthcare Group (BETA) announces that its risk consulting services are well-aligned to The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM) and are available not only to BETA members but also to hospitals and healthcare organizations that are not part of its insurance program. With the PSSM and other federal and state mandates on the horizon, meeting these new governmental requirements is imperative. BETA, long recognized for its development of robust patient safety and employee safety programs and its leading-edge risk strategy, will partner with hospitals and healthcare organizations in consulting engagements to instill best practices and operationalize strategies to strengthen systems for safety at a foundational level.

"BETA’s Risk Consulting Services and program offerings including BETA HEART® are well-aligned to the five complementary domains of the PSSM including Domain Four, related to CRPs. BETA is pleased to offer our services widely to advance healthcare safety."


“Developing a resilient safety culture and the infrastructure to sustain safety is necessary to the delivery of safe, high-quality care and positive patient and employee experiences,” said Corey Grove, CEO of BETA Healthcare Group. “BETA is pleased to offer our risk consulting services more widely to advance quality and highly reliable healthcare.”

Alignment with the PSSM

CMS, with the Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM), is assessing whether hospitals demonstrate a structure, culture and leadership commitment that prioritizes safety, requiring that hospitals attest that they have implemented strategies and practices to strengthen systems for safety including the implementation of a communication and resolution program (CRP). BETA’s Risk Consulting Services and program offerings including BETA HEART® are well-aligned to the five complementary domains of the PSSM including Domain Four, related to CRPs, for which hospitals must attest to two statements regarding the program itself and tracking its performance to receive full points for the domain.

“The PSSM represents what BETA Healthcare Group is all about,” said Heather Gocke, Vice President of Risk Management and Safety, BETA. “Our team’s ability to coach, mentor and lend expertise to healthcare organizations to operationalize patient and employee safety precepts and train to the concepts is unparalleled in the industry. We look forward to lending our expertise to carry out safety strategies that will make a difference for patients, families and employees.”

BETA Healthcare Group

BETA Healthcare Group (BETA) is the largest professional liability insurer of hospitals on the West Coast and provides liability and workers’ compensation coverages to protect hospitals, health centers, clinics, hospices, medical groups, aging services and physicians and other healthcare workers. For more information, please visit www.betahg.com.


Karla Di Grazia


BETA Healthcare Group

Release Summary
BETA's risk consulting services and BETA HEART program are well-aligned to the CMS' Patient Safety Structural Measure (PSSM) and implementing CRPs.
Release Versions


Karla Di Grazia


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