Citizens for a New Delaware Way Launches $500,000 Media Effort Highlighting Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long’s Ethics Scandals to Key Voters

CNDW Will Spend $1 Million-Plus in the 2024 Primary Election; Initial $500K Spend Will Fund Advertising on Cable, Streaming, Digital, and Social Media, and Direct Mail to Over 50,000 Prime Democratic Primary Voters

WILMINGTON, Del.--()--Today, following bombshell revelations that Bethany Hall-Long broke Delaware law dozens of times by submitting inaccurate and misleading campaign finance statements, Citizens for a New Delaware Way announced the launch of a $500,000 media campaign against Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long’s candidacy for Governor.

The new ads include a 30-second TV spot and highlight her alarming ethics record just ahead of the Delaware Democratic Primary in six weeks. The ads will be circulated through multiple mediums, including cable TV and streaming, digital, social media, and direct mail to more than 50,000 prime Democratic voters throughout the state.

The ads cite Hall-Long’s funneling of hundreds of thousands of campaign dollars to her husband, and her failure to submit a financial audit to the State Board of Elections. It also highlights her acceptance of campaign donations that exceed legal limits.

The print advertisement also raises concerns such as reports of her campaign staff and volunteers resigning due to troubling violations. It spotlights allegations that her husband, who serves as her campaign treasurer, misused his authority as property inspector to unlawfully obtain lists of residents from the State and bully Section 8 housing recipients to vote for her.

The PAC will also soon release new advertising taking aim at Hall-Long for the Department of Elections-commissioned report that exposed dozens of violations of Delaware law by her and her husband at the expense of her campaign donors.

Citizens for a New Delaware Way, a recently formed $1 million political action committee focused on addressing the failures in promoting judicial diversity and transparency, is encouraging Delawareans to think twice before casting their vote for Hall-Long, as her leadership over Delaware does not align with Delawarean values.

PAC Spokesperson Chris Coffey said, “We are witnessing a pivotal moment in America, as diverse and qualified candidates emerge who prioritize the integrity of our justice system and ethical decision-making. Bethany Hall-Long stands in stark contrast to the visionary leaders who strive to enact positive change for their constituents. Her involvement in conflicts of interest and questionable financial practices should concern Delawareans deeply, as her leadership directly impacts their financial security and well-being. We need to unite to vote for a prosperous future for Delaware.”

The full script of the first ad – “Untrustworthy” – is below:

Can we trust Bethany Hall-Long?

Her record of scandals is clear: No We Can’t

Hall-Long funneled hundreds of thousands of campaign dollars to her husband and refused to turn over an audit of her finances to the state Board of Elections.

She’s accepted tens of thousands of dollars of illegal donations.

Now she wants us to elect her Governor?

I know what my answer is…

It's time for a new Delaware Way. Not the same old politicians.

