Freedomology Launches to Revolutionize Health, Happiness and Financial Freedom

Freedomology to conduct a free-of-charge six-week health sprint (H40) focusing on physical and mental health, starting July 21

CLEVELAND--()--Freedomology, a technology and coaching company dedicated to helping people achieve freedom in their finances, health and relationships, today proudly launched along with a free-of-charge 40-day health sprint beginning on July 21.

Freedomology's mission is to empower individuals to fall in love with their lives by integrating sustainable wellness practices. Its training leverages natural human instincts and behaviors, ensuring both effectiveness and longevity.

A unique approach to wellness

Freedomology stands out by blending the science of physical and mental health with financial freedom and strong relationships, creating a comprehensive and actionable plan. By fostering self-acceptance, self-awareness and self-improvement, Freedomology supports a balanced and fulfilling lifestyle. Freedomology focuses on sustainable lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes, ensuring lasting results.

CEO's vision

"At Freedomology, we believe that balance is everything. There is a science to improving your physical and mental health, enhancing relationships and building assets; but there is an art to integrating these elements to truly live an incredible life. Our upcoming health sprint exemplifies this commitment, helping people achieve 'happy health' through self-acceptance, self-awareness and self-improvement," said Greg Clement, CEO of Freedomology.

The H40 health sprint

H40 is Freedomology’s flagship health sprint, designed to deliver holistic wellness in just 40 days. Participants undergo health assessments, receive personalized coaching and engage in community-driven activities. The first H40 health sprint earlier this year involved over 1,100 participants, validating the effectiveness of the program and providing valuable insights.

H40 health sprint testimonials

Freedomology H40 health sprint participants appreciate the positive difference it makes in their lives:

  • “I have a master’s degree in biology and my husband has a Ph.D. in biochemistry. I always get annoyed when a presenter uses buzzwords and tries to speak above the audience so that they follow out of insecurity, but usually presenters are just reading a script and don’t fully understand. I can tell from all of the videos and interactions that Freedomology presenters have really dug into the research and are truly excited about it. When they are explaining the material, they make it accessible to everyone and do it with the same enthusiasm as a child talking about dinosaurs!” said Molly Woofter.
  • “Thank you all for creating such an amazing platform and letting me be a part of it. It has truly been life-changing. It has taught me to commit in all areas of my life. Freedomology has opened me to a new mindset and way of thinking,” said Owen Miller.
  • “I’m grateful to have a program and new knowledge that empowers me to keep going even when I feel like I can’t or it’s too much work. Normally, by this point, I would have only been interested on a surface level and have gone back to my old choices, especially on days like today where I am tired and overwhelmed and feeling discouraged. I am now committed and perhaps a little crazy about my health — spiritual, physical and emotional. So now, giving up is not one of the choices,” said Danielle Cousin.

Subscription-based service

Freedomology is primarily a subscription-based service offering access to comprehensive wellness programs including health, financial and relational sprints plus personalized coaching, community support and educational resources. The platform is accessible online, allowing participants to engage from anywhere in the world.

Key features of Freedomology

The key features of Freedomology include:

  • Comprehensive approach: The 40-day health sprint (H40) covers physical, mental and environmental health.
  • Happy health concept: Focuses on achieving a balanced state of health, happiness and self-acceptance through self-awareness and self-improvement.
  • Holistic modules: Includes modules on morning routines, nutrition, exercise, personal finance, environmental influences, personalized body awareness and sleep.
  • Morning routine: The ADAM (activate, drink, appreciate, meditate) morning routine emphasizes the importance of a proactive start to the day.
  • Carb fasting diet strategy: Helps participants boost energy, improve focus and lose fat.
  • Mental health focus: Connects daily habits and routines directly to mental well-being.
  • Sustainable changes: Encourages long-term lifestyle changes over temporary solutions.

Freedomology’s holistic and integrated approach addresses mental health as foundational and recognizes the influence of participants’ environments. This flexible framework supports long-term sustainable lifestyle changes, helping individuals lead incredible lives.

About Freedomology

Freedomology is committed to helping people achieve freedom in their physical, mental, financial, relationship and environmental health through coaching and technology. Its goal is to help people fall in love with their lives by integrating sustainable wellness practices. Freedomology is built around natural instincts, what people will and won’t do, which is why the early results are so promising! For more information, visit


Emily Roberts


Emily Roberts