The Association of Related Churches’ Dino Rizzo Recaps a Successful Start to 2024

At the 2024 ARC Conference, President Dino Rizzo highlighted the organization's success in enhancing church planting health and achieving record-breaking launch day attendance and salvations.

BIRMINGHAM, Ala.--()--At the 2024 ARC Conference, Dino Rizzo, President of the Association of Related Churches (ARC), delivered an inspiring update on the past year and outlined a bold vision for the future of church planting. The Association of Related Churches’ focus is twofold: ensuring the health of church planting couples and achieving stronger launch days. This strategic approach has led to remarkable growth and success in ARC churches.

"We want the couples planting churches to be healthier and to see stronger launch days," said Rizzo. "We’re spending more time with our planting couples during the assessment phase to ensure they are healthy in every aspect—biblically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, relationally, and in ministry."

Over the past year, the Association of Related Churches has significantly improved its assessment process. A total of 122 couples have completed the enhanced assessment, which focuses on comprehensive health and preparedness for church planting. By prioritizing the well-being of these couples, the Association of Related Churches aims to foster long-term sustainability and success in their ministries.

In addition to the improved assessment, ARC has strengthened its support system by building more community and connections between church planters and their launch coaches. Each church planter now has approximately 150 points of contact with their launch coach, ensuring they receive ongoing guidance and support throughout the process.

The Association of Related Churches also invites church-planting couples to attend the Retreat at Church Creek once they reach their one-year mark. This retreat offers a dedicated time for couples to refresh and connect with others in the same season of life. The retreat emphasizes the importance of reflection and renewal, reinforcing the idea that a strong ministry foundation begins with the health and well-being of leaders.

The Association of Related Churches’ strategic focus includes targeting cities underserved by local churches and those experiencing population growth. In the past 12 months, ARC has successfully launched 37 new churches in such areas. The goal is to transform lives through the message of Jesus, and the numbers speak volumes about the ARC’s success.

In 2021, an average of 7.8 people chose Christ on launch day. That number increased to 9.6 in 2022, and by 2023, it soared to an average of 28 people. In 2024, the average has reached 29 salvations per launch day. These figures are a powerful testament to the impact of the Association of Related Churches’ church planting efforts.

Planning for a strong launch day is crucial, and ARC's emphasis on this aspect has yielded impressive results. In 2019, the average launch day attendance was 285 people, a number that increased to 337 in 2020. After the challenges posed by COVID-19 in 2021 and 2022, ARC saw a resurgence in 2023 with an average of 427 people attending each launch. In 2024, the average launch day attendance has soared to 607 people, reflecting the effectiveness of the training and resources the Association of Related Churches provides.

The founder of the Association of Related Churches, Billy Hornsby, once said, “My greatest accomplishment is somebody else’s.” This philosophy remains at the heart of the ARC's mission. While celebrating the churches that have been planted and the lives that have been saved, ARC is most excited about what lies ahead—the next city, the next planters, the next ARC churches, and the next life transformed by Jesus.

As the Association of Related Churches continues to innovate and refine its processes, the organization remains committed to its mission of planting and supporting healthy, thriving churches. With a strong foundation and a clear vision for the future, ARC is poised for continued success and impact in communities globally.

For more information about the Association of Related Churches and its initiatives, visit

About the Association of Related Churches (ARC):

The Association of Related Churches (ARC) represents a collaborative network comprising independent congregations from various denominations, networks, and backgrounds. Its primary mission is to provide essential support and resources to church planters and pastors, enabling them to effectively share the teachings of Jesus Christ. ARC's operational approach revolves around empowering and equipping church leaders, thus helping them foster the widespread dissemination of Christ’s life-changing message. Established in 2000, the Association of Related Churches has evolved into a worldwide entity and has played a pivotal role in facilitating the establishment of over 1,000 new churches globally.


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Association of Related Churches
Birmingham, AL


Media Contact:
Association of Related Churches
Birmingham, AL