Orange County CBD Achieves Prestigious BRC Certification: A Milestone in Health and Wellness

LONDON--()--Orange County CBD, a prominent name in the health and wellness supplement industry, announces its achievement of the BRC (Brand Reputation Through Compliance) Global Standard for Food Safety certification. This coveted honour underscores the company's commitment to excellence, safety, and quality, making Orange County CBD the only CBD manufacturer with its own in-house label to receive this certification.

What is BRC Certification?

The BRC Global Standard, recognised by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI), is a benchmark for food safety and quality. It sets rigorous standards ensuring products are safe, legal, and of high quality. Achieving BRC certification involves a thorough audit process assessing supplier management, production processes, and hygiene practices.

Significance for Orange County CBD

1. Enhanced Trust and Credibility: BRC certification boosts consumer confidence. Customers are assured that Orange County’s products meet the highest safety and quality standards, crucial in the health and wellness industry.

2. Market Access and Expansion: Many major retailers and distributors prefer or require BRC certification. This certification opens new opportunities for Orange County, facilitating market entry and strengthening its position.

3. Operational Excellence: The certification process improves internal processes, enforcing a culture of continuous improvement and adherence to best practices, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

4. Risk Management: Adhering to BRC standards helps Orange County identify and manage potential risks, reducing the likelihood of product recalls, legal issues, and reputational damage.

Why BRC Certification Matters in Health and Wellness

In the UK, only top companies in the food, beverage, and health supplement sectors are BRC certified. These companies meet high consumer and regulatory expectations. BRC certification is crucial due to the direct impact of products on consumer health and wellbeing.

Industry Landscape

With approximately only 20,000 firms globally certified under BRC standards, the certification is a key differentiator in the market. It highlights a company's dedication to stringent safety and quality measures, essential for building long-term trust and loyalty among health-conscious consumers.

The Future

BRC certification marks a new chapter for Orange County. The company aims to leverage this certification to expand its product range and reach new customer segments. It also positions the company favourably in negotiations with major retailers, potentially increasing shelf space and sales.

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Phone: 0800 755 5420