AI Innovations: Ahmed Abou Hashima Highlights Egypt's Progress and UAE's Exemplary Role in Senate Presentation

Senator Ahmed Abou Hashima (Photo: AETOSWire)

CAIRO--()--During a recent session in the Egyptian Senate, prominent businessman & Senate Ahmed Abou Hashima presented a comprehensive study on artificial intelligence, emphasizing Egypt's potential in the AI sector and highlighting the United Arab Emirates as a significant example and strategic partner.

Abou Hashima's study explores the current state and future prospects of AI in Egypt, identifying key areas for AI-driven advancements in healthcare, education, and industry. It emphasizes how AI can boost efficiency and innovation, improve patient outcomes through predictive analytics, personalize education, and enhance industrial productivity through automation and data analysis. The study acknowledges the UAE's successful AI strategy and its impact on regional AI development. Since 2017, the UAE has been at the forefront of AI innovation, establishing the Ministry of State for Artificial Intelligence and integrating AI across critical sectors like healthcare, education, and transportation. These initiatives have set a benchmark for other nations, including Egypt, to follow. The UAE's AI applications, such as the “Jais” application, an open-source bilingual Arabic-English model, developed by Inception, a unit of Abu Dhabi AI company G42, in collaboration with Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence and Silicon Valley-based Cerebras Systems. “Jais” provides comprehensive bilingual AI services, significantly improving accessibility for Arabic speakers.

The artificial intelligence sector in the United Arab Emirates is projected to experience remarkable growth, with its value expected to reach an astounding $118.6 billion by 2025. The UAE currently accounts for 16% of global investments in artificial intelligence, reflecting its strong commitment to this transformative technology. With a clear vision in mind, the UAE aspires to establish itself as the global capital for AI, showcasing its ambition to lead the way in fostering AI innovation and advancement on a global scale.

The UAE's investments in AI infrastructure and technology provide valuable insights and opportunities for Egypt to enhance its AI capabilities and drive economic growth.

Senator Ahmed Abou Hashima delivered a persuasive call to action in the Egyptian Senate, urging Egypt to harness artificial intelligence as a catalyst for national development. He highlighted the successful AI initiatives in the United Arab Emirates as an inspiration for Egypt to seize the transformative power of AI. By leveraging AI, Egypt has a unique opportunity to stimulate economic growth and enhance various sectors.

Source: AETOSWire


Nasser Saleh

Release Summary

AI Innovations: Ahmed Abou Hashima Highlights Egypt's Progress and UAE's Exemplary Role in Senate Presentation


Nasser Saleh