Video Highlights Now Available for AM Best’s Webinar on the Growing Impact of Secondary Insurance Perils

OLDWICK, N.J.--()--Viewers can now access highlights from AM Best’s webinar, “From Convective Storms to Flood: The Growing Impact of Secondary Insurance Perils,” sponsored by Munich Re.

In this video-based interactive presentation, viewers can learn about the complexities of secondary perils (also known as non-peak perils) and their nature, impact and mitigation strategies.

The webinar was compiled into the following standalone segments:

  1. Higher Frequency, Localized Impacts: Understanding Non-Peak Perils
  2. Neighboritis: The Social Phenomenon Driving Up Insurance Costs
  3. Incentivizing Policyholder Risk Mitigation
  4. Beyond Models: The Importance of Underwriting in Non-Peak Perils
  5. “Quiet Record Year” Yields Huge Natural Catastrophe Insurance Losses
  6. Syndicated Programs Are a Solution for Non-Peak Peril Insurance Coverage
  7. Reinsurance Market Adapts by Focusing on Resilience and Stability
  8. Clients Demand Clarity on Insurers’ Risk Assessments
  9. Policyholders Become Their Own Risk Managers
  10. Simple Actions by Homeowners Help Boost Community Resilience
  11. Inconsistent Building Codes Expose Communities to Non-Peak Perils
  12. Mitigating Losses: The Key to Weathering Non-Peak Perils

Panelists include:

  • Tehya Duckworth, senior vice president, property underwriting manager, Munich Re US
  • Joe Bonanno, senior vice president, E&S property underwriting manager - Northeast and Midwest, Munich Re Specialty Insurance
  • Sean Kevelighan, CEO, Insurance Information Institute

The complete video replay for this event is also available to view here.

AM Best is a global credit rating agency, news publisher and data analytics provider specializing in the insurance industry. Headquartered in the United States, the company does business in over 100 countries with regional offices in London, Amsterdam, Dubai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Mexico City. For more information, visit

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Lee McDonald
Senior Vice President, Publication & News Services
+1 908 882 2102



Lee McDonald
Senior Vice President, Publication & News Services
+1 908 882 2102