Yale Sustainability Consulting Collective and AVID Climate Team up to Establish Climate Impact Consumer Benefits Model

SAN FRANCISCO--()--AVID Climate and Yale Sustainable Consulting Collective today announced they are collaborating on what many consider to be the next frontier for Climate Change investing - the retail consumer investor market.

Yale's student body consulting group - YSCC - are no strangers to sustainability and climate change impact studies. The group has conducted numerous engagements with the corporate world, focusing on ESG reporting and sustainability assessments.

“The AVID team is excited to be collaborating with YSCC. The Yale team brings fresh ideas and perspectives, and passion for solving Climate issues. I look forward to sharing the results of this partnership after the project and semester ends,” says AVID’s project lead and Board Advisor, Bob Lehto.

AVID Climate provides a unique Climate Impact Finance platform designed to both enable and empower consumer investors to engage directly in positive climate change initiatives through specifically curated investment assets in highly impactful climate projects around the world.

The team is focused on developing corporate applications for a consumer focused financial investment climate impact initiative.

About AVID Climate LLC:

AVID is a San Francisco and London-based fin tech and climate tech company, established in 2021 by technology leaders, bringing together expertise in carbon markets, investment platforms, and quantum data. AVID is an innovator in fractionalized investing in the climate impact space and is focused on creating a highly disruptive, socially-driven climate impact platform. Learn more at https://avid.ooo.

About YSCC:

The Yale Sustainable Consulting Collective is Yale University’s premier undergraduate consulting group specializing in sustainability services. Their services include business strategy & transformation; sustainability & Net-Zero Strategy; and Climate Risk Management. Learn more at https://yalescc.org


Oliver Martin
Email: Oliver@avid.ooo


Oliver Martin
Email: Oliver@avid.ooo