Sensible Expands Weather Guarantee to Include High Heat, Giving Consumers Confidence to Book in the Hottest Months of 2024

On the heels of the hottest year on record, Sensible Weather expands its Weather Guarantee to include protection against high temperatures

LOS ANGELES--()--Further strengthening its offering for hospitality partners and travelers, Sensible Weather announces its newest Weather Guarantee: a protection against high heat.

First launching the Weather Guarantee to protect businesses and their guests from the impact of rain on outdoor activities and experiences, such as hotel stays, golf and camping, Sensible recognizes how various weather conditions can negatively impact outdoor experiences. With 2023 as the hottest year on record, and 2024 shaping up to be even hotter, high heat has emerged as a significant factor affecting consumer comfort and enjoyment. In response to the record-breaking temperatures experienced during the 2023 summer season, Sensible has expanded the Weather Guarantee to include protection against uncomfortably high temperatures in addition to rain.

“We’ve sold over 60,000 Weather Guarantees covering rain since launching the Weather Guarantee, confirming how seriously weather impacts confidence in booking outdoor activities and travel,” says Nick Cavanagh, Ph.D., Sensible CEO. “This initial success combined with increasing disruption from heat has led us to expand our product offering in a way that would provide additional value for our partners and their guests.”

Customers can add a Weather Guarantee for high heat at the time of their booking with a Sensible partner, increasing their confidence to book during times or in locations that may be susceptible to heat waves. If high heat, a parameter that uses temperature based on different locations, is forecast for their chosen dates, Sensible will proactively notify them in the morning via text message with a link to collect reimbursement. As with Sensible’s Weather Guarantee for rain, there is no need for guests to file a claim or cancel the planned activity.

For travel and hospitality businesses, offering heat coverage further enhances their differentiating value, and gives customers peace of mind and tangible experience benefits, while providing booking conversion improvements and incremental revenue.

To learn more about Sensible Weather, visit

About Sensible Weather

Sensible Weather combines the latest weather, financial and risk management technologies to develop seamless products and services that allow consumers to confidently get out and experience the world around them. The Weather Guarantee, launched in 2021, proactively reimburses travel, outdoor and event experience consumers in the event of disruptive weather such as rain or extreme temperatures. With over 60,000 Weather Guarantees sold, Sensible has helped a rapidly growing list of businesses worldwide neutralize the impact of an unpredictable climate by increasing customer satisfaction and providing incremental revenue. For more information, please visit