Ascribe applies to EPA for registration of revolutionary biofungicide Phytalix®
Ascribe applies to EPA for registration of revolutionary biofungicide Phytalix®
ITHACA, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Ascribe Bioscience has reached a major milestone, submitting its application to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for registration of Phytalix®, its flagship biofungicide.
Phytalix is based on a natural molecule from the soil microbiome that was discovered by researchers at the Boyce Thompson Institute and Cornell University. Unlike conventional fungicides, Phytalix has a non-toxic mode of action and works by strengthening plant defenses rather than killing pathogens.
Field trials over four years have proven that application of Phytalix can match the efficacy of synthetic fungicides and provide farmers with a new solution for managing crop diseases. In replicated trials, Phytalix demonstrated control of major fungal, viral, and bacterial pathogens including Northern and Southern Corn Leaf Blight, Gray Leaf Spot, Asian Soybean Rust, and Fusarium Head Blight. South Dakota farmer and Agtegra Cooperative board member Jeff Lakner explains, “Farmers are looking for new disease control options to protect soil health and help manage resistance. But most biological options are either too expensive or don’t fit into progressive operations. Innovations like Phytalix can help bring more sustainable disease control to millions of acres of row crops in the US.”
The EPA conducts a rigorous review of proposed new crop protection products. Ascribe CEO Jay Farmer explains, “In preparation for the EPA review, Ascribe completed more than 50 safety studies on Phytalix with independent, third-party labs. We are thrilled that all of these studies confirmed the safety of Phytalix. The potential to increase yields and reduce synthetic fungicide use with an affordable, non-toxic alternative like Phytalix is revolutionary for farmers and the environment.”
Regulatory advisory firm SciReg, Inc. assisted Ascribe in preparing the EPA dossier for submission. The majority of Ascribe’s third-party safety studies were conducted by Product Safety Labs.
Pending EPA registration, Phytalix will be available in most US states for use on corn, wheat, soybeans, and specialty crops as well as for home and garden use. Ascribe anticipates regulatory approval and commercial launch by 2026. Following this US submission, Ascribe plans to submit applications for registration of Phytalix in Brazil and Canada.
About Ascribe (
Ascribe Bioscience is an Ithaca, NY-based agriculture technology company, founded in 2017 and based on initial discoveries from the Boyce Thompson Institute at Cornell University. The company develops natural crop protection and fertilizer products that help farmers reduce disease and increase yield without harming the environment or human health.
Gabriel Wilmoth