Alerje Earns $1M Phase II SBIR NSF Award to Support Life Changing Food Allergy Immunotherapy for Food Allergies with AI Powered App Platform

  • A $1,000,000 Phase II SBIR grant from the NSF advances Alerje's efforts to support food allergy immunotherapy (i.e. OIT, SLIT, etc), employing a patent-pending AI-driven platform.
  • Alerje's patent-pending machine learning engine - a key component in optimizing food allergy immunotherapy with AI - addresses a crucial need in supporting allergy clinics & families with life-changing therapy, filling a gap that has persisted in food allergy care management and adherence.
  • Alerje's early platform, already demonstrating a strong interest in the field, offers potential for broader collaboration and integration in the healthcare ecosystem, reflecting its potential to personalize treatment approaches for food allergy families worldwide.

DETROIT--()--Alerje, the Michigan-based company in emergency medicine & food allergy management, is thrilled to announce its receipt of a Phase II grant award from the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program of the National Science Foundation (NSF). The $1 million grant will expand the capabilities of its patent-pending AI digital platform & will help accelerate the manufacturing of Alerje's internationally patented epinephrine auto-injector (EAI) solution.

Alerje's digital platform features a variety of food allergy remote therapeutic management (RTM) tools, all designed to streamline the delivery of OIT regimens and ensure their successful completion by patients and doctors. The platform, which consistently achieved a user satisfaction rate of 92% during their Phase I NSF project, will continue to evolve in Phase II with the aim of enhancing user experience and ML capabilities.

Upon receiving the award, Javier Evelyn, Alerje’s Founder & CEO | Principal Investigator, said, "We are deeply honored by the NSF's continued support for our vision. Our patented device and digital platforms are poised to make life a bit easier and seamless as it relates to the treatment of food allergies, which affect over 220 million patients worldwide. This Phase II grant takes us one step closer to realizing that vision."

About America's Seed Fund, the National Science Foundation SBIR Program:

America’s Seed Fund powered by NSF awards more than $200 million annually to startups and small businesses, transforming scientific discovery into products and services with commercial and societal impact. Startups working across almost all areas of science and technology can receive up to $2 million to support research and development, helping de-risk technology for commercial success. America’s Seed Fund is congressionally mandated through the Small Business Innovation Research program. The NSF is an independent federal agency with a budget of about $9.5 billion that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering.

About Alerje Inc.

Alerje, Inc., builds emergency medicine & digital health solutions for 220M families worldwide impacted by food allergies. Our National Science Foundation validated RTM adherence platform for OIT/SLIT collects, stores, analyzes, and distributes clinically relevant information for families, allergists, insurers, & pharma. Our epinephrine auto-injector integrates into a smartphone case for improved patient adherence improvement and alerts.


Javier Evelyn, CEO, Alerje, Inc.