
Council for Citizens Against Government Waste Launches Campaign Against Government-Run Healthcare

WASHINGTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)--As first reported by Fox News, the Council for Citizens Against Government Waste (CCAGW) launched its latest campaign against government-run healthcare. The multimillion-dollar multifaceted media, grassroots, and online campaign targets legislation that would increase government control over the healthcare system starting with Senator Bernie Sanders’ (I-Vt.) “reform” bill, S. 1339.

Senator Sanders’ legislation would increase the cost of pharmacy benefits provided to more than 275 million Americans. It would undermine the private contractual agreements made between pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs) and employers would reduce the $1,040 saved annually by employees. The campaign is intended to have an impact on Republican senators who have expressed support or are considering support for this next step in allowing the government to take over more of the healthcare system.

CCAGW President Tom Schatz said, “The Bernie Sanders-led effort to expand government control over our healthcare system should be anathema to every American and fiscal conservative in Congress. CCAGW has fought for decades to prevent a government takeover of the healthcare system and is launching this latest multifaceted effort to prevent the enactment of any legislation that would move the country closer to socialized medicine. We are encouraging people throughout the country to get involved so we can win this fight by telling their senators to stand with them instead of legislators whose plans would reduce benefits and increase healthcare costs for hard-working taxpayers.”

CCAGW has fought for decades to stop government-run healthcare and promote patient choice and control. CCAGW sent a letter on May 1, 2023, in opposition to S. 1339, as well as a letter on March 23, 2023, opposing S. 127, which would also increase healthcare costs by imposing more regulations on PBMs.

The Council for Citizens Against Government Waste is the lobbying arm of Citizens Against Government Waste, the nation’s largest nonpartisan, nonprofit organization dedicated to eliminating waste, fraud, abuse, and mismanagement in government.


Alexandra Abrams (202) 467-5310

Council for Citizens Against Government Waste

Release Summary
CCAGW's latest campaign against government-run healthcare targets legislation that would increase government control over the healthcare system.
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Alexandra Abrams (202) 467-5310

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