
Labrador Names Broc Romanek to Lead Corporate Disclosure Transparency Initiative

Partnership to launch first-ever Transparency Scientific Committee and RealTransparentDisclosure.com site

ATLANTA--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Labrador, a global communications firm specializing in corporate disclosures, announced a partnership with Broc Romanek, the industry-renowned expert for corporate disclosure transparency, to help establish the first-ever independent Transparency Scientific Committee and launch the RealTransparentDisclosure.com thought leadership site. Both efforts strongly advocate for greater transparency in corporate disclosure, a mission shared by Romanek and Labrador, the creator and organizer of the Transparency Awards in the U.S. and Europe.

“There is no better partner than Broc to help us usher in a new era of transparency in corporate disclosure and raise awareness about the importance of clear, concise stakeholder communications,” said Iain Poole, executive director of strategy for Labrador


Labrador, the first firm to focus on creating transparent SEC and stakeholder communications, established transparency standards that have contributed to a broad improvement in corporate disclosure readability and efficacy. In the U.S., Labrador demonstrates its passion for transparency through its commitment to its Transparency Awards, rewarding the quality of disclosure provided by all S&P 250 companies. A 14-year grand tradition in Europe, the Transparency Awards are rapidly becoming coveted in the U.S.

To support the awards’ integrity, Labrador tapped Romanek to help establish and chair the Transparency Scientific Committee, an independent group, whose mission is to represent the interest of corporate disclosure readers. Tasked with managing and validating the Transparency Awards process and selections, committee members will include current and former institutional investors, proxy advisors, stakeholders, regulators and quasi-regulators.

As editor of the newly launched RealTransparentDisclosure.com thought leadership site, Romanek provides a behind-the-scenes look at the executive decisions made in the development of corporate documents. The site offers practical guidance about the importance of transparent disclosure and how to create documents that instill stakeholder trust.

“There is no better partner to help with our efforts to usher in a new era of transparency in corporate disclosure. As a renowned expert, Broc has spent more than 35 years raising awareness about the importance of clear, concise disclosure communications for both readers and companies,” said Iain Poole, executive director of strategy for Labrador. “He understands the investor landscape and has worked with regulators and major corporations drafting disclosures. He’s been on the inside. He’s been on the outside. He’s done the work.”

Romanek’s reputation and credentials are unsurpassed in the financial communications industry. His industry expertise was honed through extensive experience in governance and law, working for small and large law firms, in-house for a Fortune 40 company and for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

“Today’s investors and stakeholders are demanding a level of transparency from companies unseen in the past. In many ways, trust in corporate America is low, and there’s really only one way to change this. Transparency is the guiding light,” said Romanek. “As Labrador’s partner, I will use my voice and influence to encourage corporations to maintain transparency in their reporting to meet the investment community’s expectations.”

Among his industry involvements, Romanek served as four-time chair and 20-year board member of the Mid-Atlantic Chapter of the Society of Corporate Governance and on the Society’s National Board of Directors. Romanek has published legal treatises and paperbacks on disclosure, corporate governance and executive compensation.

About Labrador

Labrador is an independent firm specializing in transparent investor and stakeholder communications. With more than 30 years serving clients in the U.S., Europe, and Asia, Labrador’s mission remains the same – to bridge the gap between compliance and communication by creating, designing, and publishing reader-centric documents that generate shareholder trust and reinforce their investment decisions. Focusing exclusively on corporate disclosure documents, and with more than 500 clients worldwide, Labrador provides unique insight into industry trends and best practices, and award-winning innovation and initiatives.

Visit www.labrador-company.com and connect on LinkedIn.


Beth McKenna

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