Lifestyle Expert, Cheryl Nelson, Shares Her Top Spring-Cleaning Tips

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.--()--Spring is here, and that means warmer weather, longer days, and of course spring cleaning. Nearly 75 percent of Americans will use this time to organize clutter, dust hard to reach surfaces, and scrub neglected cabinets and cupboards. In order to help others take charge of their spring cleaning this year, and in celebration of National Laundry Day (which took place on April 15), Lifestyle & Preparedness Expert, Laundry Connoisseur, and founder of, Cheryl Nelson, is sharing her top spring-cleaning tips to help make the daunting deep clean easier on everyone.

“Spring cleaning can quickly become overwhelming,” says Nelson. “It always feels like there are a million things to do-dusting, vacuuming, laundry, etc. But small changes in how you approach your spring-cleaning tasks can help eliminate frustration and get you on track for a successful deep clean.”

Below, Nelson shares her tips to help you get the most out of your spring-cleaning to-do list.

  1. Make a plan. The best way to start your spring-cleaning efforts is to make a plan. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and don’t know where to start, make a list of all the rooms in your home and create a checklist of everything you need to complete in each room. Then, try creating a timeline for your spring-cleaning chores. A timeline can help you hold yourself accountable and prevent you from getting side-tracked from the task at hand.
  2. Take it one room at a time. It’s easy for spring cleaning to feel like a marathon, but focusing on one room at a time can help you avoid feeling overwhelmed by your checklist. Start by clearing away any expired food items in your refrigerator, scrubbing your baseboards, and wiping down your cabinets in your kitchen. Or start in your bathroom and scrub the grout in your shower and on your tile floor and wash your shower curtain. Wherever you start and end is up to you.
  3. Protect yourself from allergies. Unfortunately for allergy sufferers, cleaning will unsettle the dust, pollen, and allergens that have been living on your furniture and fixtures. If someone in your home or you suffer from allergies or asthma, wear a mask and/or gloves while cleaning. Then, make sure to dust everything in your home, even in spots you wouldn’t normally think of (on top of the refrigerator, window blinds, ceiling fan blades, under couches, etc.), and make sure to always work from top to bottom when dusting. Also, invest in an air purifier to help filter dust, mold, pet dander, bacteria and more from the air inside your home. Those with allergies should also wash their clothes and bedding with a hypoallergenic detergent like Arm & Hammer Sensitive Skin, Free & Clear to help reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.
  4. Get rid of clutter. What better way to freshen up your space than to throw away old clutter that has been accumulating all over your home. Start by decluttering your closet and donating anything you haven't worn in over a year (clothing, shoes and costume jewelry). Then declutter your junk drawer (I'll admit, I have one that needs help), clean your make-up brushes and dispose of any expired cosmetics, and revisit the items you are storing in your attic, basement, garage or storage unit - do you really need everything you're holding on to?
  5. Wash clothes and bedding before storing. If you plan on storing any heavy bedding or clothes until next winter, don’t forget to wash them before packing them away. This includes mattress pads, sheets, blankets, comforters, quilts, coats and jackets, and sweaters. I recommend using Arm & Hammer Plus Oxiclean Odor Blasters to keep your stored clothes and bedding fresh until next year.
  6. Don’t forget your appliances. Often overlooked on our spring-cleaning checklist is our appliances. Check and change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, clean the inside of your dishwasher and washing machine to prevent the buildup of stains and soap scum, and give the inside of your refrigerator, microwave, and oven a thorough wipe down.

“Understandably, household chores can be taxing,” says Nelson. “However, once finished, there is no bigger reward than a fresh, clean home.”


Media Contact:
Alex Bean

Release Summary

Spring Cleaning Tips from Lifestyle Expert, Cheryl Nelson.


Media Contact:
Alex Bean