Tenchijin Collaborates With Toyota City to Determine Potential Leakage Zones Using Satellite Data: A Project Authorized From Japan Cabinet Office

TOKYO--()--JAXA accredited space venture Tenchijin collaborates with Toyota City Water Supply and Sewerage Bureau and Fuji Chichu Joho, Inc to determine potential leakage zones using space satellite Big Data. This pilot project started in February 2022. In July 2022, this project was selected as the “Advances Satellite Remote Sensing Data Application Model Demonstration Project for Problem Solving” by the Secretariat of the Strategic Secretariat for Space Policy, Cabinet Office.

Background and goal of the project

Toyota City has been facing challenges caused by the water pipeline leakage such as water outages, water quality, turbidity, etc that affect the lives of citizens. To effectively investigate the risk of water leakage and optimize time, resources and budget to improve the current situation, Tenchijin and its product Tenchijin Compass was selected as a partner to work together with Toyota City.

By using Tenchijin Compass alongside with the satellite data and road surface acoustical survey data, Tenchijin will analyze and improve the accuracy of leakage risk estimation. The goal of this demonstration project is to reduce the cost of aging pipe countermeasures, improve their efficiency, develop a leakage assessment method and a support tool to expand throughout the local government in Japan.

Interim report

By this experiment, approximately 65% of the cost of investigation and 80% of the time to investigate the water leakage issue decreased.


In March 2023, the demonstration experiment will be completed. By leveraging the results of the project, we aim to embed into Tenchijin COMPASS innovative and transparent performance indicators. We aim to continuously support public and private water utilities supplying clean, safe fresh water and reducing significantly their non-revenue water, their water leakage sourcing and network maintenance costs.

Subsequently, we aim to have a customized COMPASS product which can be expanded to other local governments.

Tenchijin COMPASS can be used for free by creating an account on the Tenchijin website.

If you are interested in customizing Tenchijin COMPASS or consulting on data analysis, please contact us at info-compass@tenchijin.co.jp
Access here for the details: https://tenchijin.co.jp/?hl=en


Tenchijin, Inc.
Yasuhito Sakuraba


Tenchijin, Inc.
Yasuhito Sakuraba