As Agent Bank, please be advised of the following rate determined on: 2/13/2023 | |||||||||
Issue |
¦ SBAB Bank AB - Series 694 SEK 1,000,000,000 FRN due May 2023 |
ISIN Number |
¦ XS1820036389 |
ISIN Reference |
¦ 182003638 |
Issue Nomin SEK |
¦ 815000000 |
Period |
¦ 2/15/2023 to 5/15/2023 |
Payment Date 5/15/2023 |
Number of Days |
¦ 89 |
Rate |
¦ 3.915 |
Denomination SEK |
¦ 1000000 |
¦ 815000000 |
¦ |
Amount Payable per Denomination |
¦ 9678.75 |
¦ 7888181.25 |
¦ |
Bank of New York |
Rate Fix Desk |
Telephone |
¦ 44 1202 689580 |
Corporate Trust Services |
Facsimile |
¦ 44 1202 689601 |
Category Code: RC
Sequence Number: 1064837
Time of Receipt (offset from UTC): 20230215T160814+0000