
Aerospace Analyst Panel to Discuss Release of Updated Aerospace Competitive Economics Study (ACES)

EVERETT, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--IAMAW District 751 and SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001, partnered again this past year to bring aerospace analysts and experts together to look at the vitality and competitiveness of the aerospace industry in Washington state and across the Nation.

For the third year, the Aerospace Competitive Economics Study (ACES) finds Washington is the most competitive business environment for the design, engineering and manufacture of major aerospace structures and the final assembly of aircraft.

Tuesday, February 7, 2023
11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

Boeing Future of Flight Museum
8415 Paine Field Blvd.
Mukilteo, WA 98275

IAM District 751 and SPEEA are bringing together an esteemed panel of industry and labor experts at 11 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7, to present the study, provide expert analysis of the results and offer recommendations for maintaining Washington state’s position as the leader in aerospace.

The panel will break down the numbers and talk about what this means for the future of Washington state and its unparalleled workforce. The decisions made today by aerospace leaders at The Boeing Company and throughout the state’s aerospace supply chain will have substantial implications on jobs, the economy, higher education, and aerospace exports throughout the state for generations. These decisions will set the trajectory for the future success of the aerospace industry in the Pacific Northwest.

A media question and answer session follows the panel discussion. The full study will be available for download from the IAM 751 and SPEEA websites at noon, Wednesday, Feb. 1.


Dominic Gates, Aerospace Reporter, The Seattle Times


Richard L. Aboulafia, Managing Director, AeroDynamic Advisory
Kevin Michaels,
Managing Director, AeroDynamic Advisory
Martha Neubauer,
Associate, AeroDynamic Advisory
Ron Epstein,
Managing Director for Aerospace & Defense, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
Jon Holden,
President/Directing Business Representative, IAMAW District 751
Richard Plunkett,
Director of Strategic Development, SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001


Deirdre K. Kaniewski
Director of Communications
IAMAW District Lodge 751
Office 206-764-0344
Cell 630-373-5687
Email: deirdrek@iam751.org

Bill Dugovich
Communications Director
SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001
Cell (206) 683-9857
Email: billd@speea.org

SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001 LogoSPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001 Logo

SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001

Release Versions


Deirdre K. Kaniewski
Director of Communications
IAMAW District Lodge 751
Office 206-764-0344
Cell 630-373-5687
Email: deirdrek@iam751.org

Bill Dugovich
Communications Director
SPEEA, IFPTE Local 2001
Cell (206) 683-9857
Email: billd@speea.org

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