Practice Winter Wellness with Tips from Pediatric ENT and Dr. Noze Best Founder

Dr. Steven Goudy shares advice for treating and preventing respiratory illness in young children

ATLANTA--()--While a new year has begun, RSV and flu seasons aren’t over yet, and COVID-19 remains a concern. For parents of young children, learning about the signs, preventions and treatments for respiratory illnesses is a great way to pursue a resolution for a healthier year. Steven Goudy, M.D., esteemed pediatric ENT, and founder and Chief Medical Officer of Dr. Noze Best, shares his advice to help families practice wellness this winter—and year-round.

“For infants and young children, respiratory illnesses can become very serious,” says Dr. Goudy. “However, there are many steps parents can take to protect their children, whether that means giving them the best possible care when sick or preventing them from catching RSV or the flu altogether. Awareness is key.”

Late fall saw a sharp rise in RSV cases across the United States, especially worrisome for family members of those who are most vulnerable to serious disease, including infants and children with pre-existing conditions such as heart problems or weakened immune systems. As RSV and flu continue to spread this winter, parents can take steps to avoid hospital visits and keep their families well. Dr. Goudy shares his answers to key questions below.

What should parents do if they think their child is sick?

Watch for signs of respiratory distress such as rapid or labored breathing, color changes of the lip (pale or blue), nasal flaring, wheezing, changes in alertness, or changes in body position to breathe. Notify your provider if you are ever concerned. Suction the nose of babies and toddlers who are unable to blow their nose. The NozeBot is one option and provides hospital-grade suction in the comfort of your home.

Although most children can manage their symptoms from home, some complications of RSV or flu, such as respiratory distress or dehydration, may require hospitalization. Monitor your child’s breathing and hydration status (wet diapers and tears). Be sure to keep your child home from school or daycare until fever free for 24 hours and until your child does not need additional help with suctioning.

How can parents help babies with RSV or the flu?

Control the fever: If your child spikes a fever, the Mayo Clinic recommends normal fever control, which consists of taking acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

Nose suctioning: A common sign of RSV is congestion or a runny nose. In fact, one of the top reasons that young children and babies are admitted to the hospital with RSV is for basic nasal suctioning. Hospital-grade suctioning from a product like the NozeBot can help parents keep their child’s nasal passages clear and avoid a trip to the hospital.

Stay hydrated: It’s important to prevent dehydration in those suffering from respiratory illness. For babies who are still drinking formula or breastfeeding, getting in extra fluids that way is a great way to help them get well at home. If your baby or toddler is having trouble feeding or drinking due to congestion, use the NozeBot to suction out those boogers so they have some relief.

How can parents protect children from respiratory illness?

Common viruses in babies such as RSV and the flu are spread through respiratory droplets and close person-to-person contact. Keep in mind that a person is typically contagious for a few days prior to showing symptoms. Don’t hesitate to set boundaries with those that are in close contact with babies and young children, such as washing their hands beforehand, avoiding kissing the baby and wearing a mask.

For more resources about treating RSV and other respiratory illnesses from Dr. Goudy and his team, visit

About Dr. Noze Best

Dr. Noze Best is a fast-growing tech startup founded in 2016 by Dr. Steven Goudy, Pediatric ENT, and father of three, to bring relief to families battling upper respiratory discomfort and illness. Known for its flagship product, the NozeBot, Dr. Noze Best's mission is to provide innovative wellness solutions to help infants and toddlers breathe better and give parents peace of mind. Inspired by the needs of children in the Down syndrome community, Dr. Noze Best donates 1% of all sales to the National Down Syndrome Congress and other Down syndrome-related organizations. For more information, visit


Jason Gilbreth


Jason Gilbreth