CUPE Nova Scotia Statement: Remember and Work to End Violence Against Women

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia--()--CUPE Nova Scotia and the CUPE NS Women’s Committee are marking December 6, the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women, by calling on union members, and all Nova Scotians, to stand up and work for change.

“Gender-based violence is prevalent in homes, communities and workplaces throughout Nova Scotia and the time has come for us to say, ‘enough is enough’,” says Patricia Perry, co-chair of the CUPE NS Women’s Committee. “Every six days a woman dies in Canada due to violence.”

“The risk of violence and death are even greater for trans women and non-binary individuals. Indigenous women are three times more likely to experience violence; and risk increases with race, being unhoused, having low income or are being differently abled,” adds Perry.

“We must stop talking about the issues and start taking action. Support initiatives by those who work on the front lines with people experiencing gender based violence. Support initiatives of workers and unions when we call for action to end gender based violence,” says Karen Wheeliker, co-chair of the CUPE NS Women’s Committee.

“Intimate partner violence, violence against women, gender-based violence in all spaces are issues we must all speak out against. We must create safe union spaces, safe workplaces, and safe communities for everyone,” adds Wheeliker.

On December 6th, please attend local remembrance ceremonies and vigils. Reach out to local transition houses and labour councils, or check social media for a vigil near you.

To learn more, visit our website at

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For more information:

Colleen Reynolds
CUPE Atlantic Communications


For more information:

Colleen Reynolds
CUPE Atlantic Communications