External Validation Confirms Included Health Navigation Offering Can Lower Healthcare Cost Trend by 6-10 Percentage Points for Employers

Avalere Health and Validation Institute validated Included Health’s methodology for measuring trend and the impact its Premium Navigation offering has had on employers healthcare trend

SAN FRANCISCO--()--Included Health, the first company to fully integrate navigation and virtual care, today released its Premium Navigation Trend Validation Summary Report. The report details the external validation of its Premium Navigation offering by Avalere Health and Validation Institute, along with a deeper analysis to understand what contributed to the trend results. One key takeaway from the report is Avalere’s validation of Included Health’s methodology concluding that Premium Navigation can deliver a 6–10 percentage point lower healthcare cost trend than a comparable national benchmark.

“Our employer clients have known for years that our approach to delivering an excellent member experience through meaningful clinical engagement is directly tied to better clinical and financial outcomes. The validation from these two institutions underscores how Included Health is able to lower costs by engaging the right member with the right service, at the right time, reducing claims costs year-over-year,” said Ami Parekh, M.D., J.D., chief health officer for Included Health.

Avalere Health, a healthcare consulting and analytics firm, examined trend reduction calculations for employers with Premium Navigation and a retrospective industry estimate of trend from Mercer’s National Survey of Employer Sponsored Health Plans, which reported a 1.9% cost increase for large employers. The validation exercise assessed the underlying formulas and inputs to ensure Included Health’s cost savings estimates were methodologically appropriate, in addition to reviewing logic for comparison to the external Mercer benchmark.

“After reviewing the analytical steps and data included in the calculation, our team found that Included Health’s underlying methodology for measuring trend differences is analytically sound,” said Grecia Marrufo, managing director at Avalere Health.

Validation Institute, an independent, objective, third-party organization focused on changing healthcare, examined cost savings of employers that used varying levels of Included Health’s offerings and found that those who offered Premium Navigation to their employees had lower year-over-year healthcare cost trend. Additionally, they found that populations with access to Premium Navigation saw a statistically significant year-over-year cost reduction. As a result of undergoing Validation Institute’s rigorous vetting process, Included Health received the firm’s official “Savings validation,” which confirms that Premium Navigation “can reduce health care spending per case/participant or for the plan/purchaser overall.”

“At Validation Institute, our goal is to shine a bright light on healthcare solution providers that drive meaningful results for employers and their employees. We congratulate Included Health for achieving this ‘Savings validation,’” said Benny DiCecca, CEO & president, Validation Institute.

Premium Navigation builds a tailored, connected experience that guides members to the right benefits and clinical care based on their preferences and predictive modeling. It serves as a single point of entry for all healthcare needs, providing 24/7 navigation and advocacy support, access to a clinical team, expert medical opinions, and visibility into healthcare costs.

Included Health’s ability to effectively engage members with relevant clinical services is essential to the trend reduction results in the Validation Institute and Avalere validations. According to the summary report, about half of the engaged households from the populations with access to Premium Navigation utilized clinical services such as expert medical opinions, provider matching, clinical benefits routing, and calls with clinicians.

To learn more about how Included Health’s validated offerings can help reduce healthcare trend via meaningful clinical engagement, download the “Premium Navigation Trend Validation Summary Report.”

About Included Health

Included Health is a new kind of healthcare company, delivering integrated virtual care and navigation. We’re on a mission to raise the standard of healthcare for everyone. We are the only complete, connected healthcare delivery platform designed to support the unique care experience of each person. We offer our members care guidance, advocacy, and access to personalized virtual and in-person care for everyday and urgent care, primary care, behavioral health, and specialty care. It’s all included. Learn more at includedhealth.com.


Victoria Khamsombath


Victoria Khamsombath