Miss Fortunes Delivers Doses of Reality with Hilarious Mis-Fortune Cookies

LOS ANGELES--()--“The cookies are sweet. The fortunes are salty!” That’s the warning offered by Miss Fortunes on every bag of 12 hilarious fortune cookies. Don’t expect any promises of riches, romance, or adventure from Miss Fortunes – in fact you’re more likely to receive a dire prediction of a social faux pas or even a dithering observation about your character.

Miss Fortunes’ “always a hit at parties” fortune bags are now on store shelves across the country, where they continue to delight, titillate, and sometimes offend those who seek good fortune. Some of the more buzzworthy messages have included:

- A new career awaits…after you are fired this Wednesday.
- An admirer will soon reveal himself, which is technically a misdemeanor.
- Tonight you will be visited by three spirits. All of them will be vodka.
- Your karaoke performance will be remembered for a briefly exposed nipple.

“We were tired of getting the same trite and meaningless fortunes we’ve been getting since we were kids,” said Miss Fortunes co-founder Andrew Robbins, a comedy writer who started the company with his wife Leiah. “We thought to ourselves, ‘Wouldn’t it be nice if just once a fortune cookie told it like it is?’ So we like to say that Miss Fortunes satisfies your sweet tooth, but never sugarcoats your destiny…”

The distinctive red fortune cookies are sold by the dozen in various themed bags such as, “The Birthday Dozen,” “The Boozy Dozen,” and (not surprisingly) the best-selling “Dirty Dozen.”

Miss Fortunes’ side-splitting collections are available on Etsy, Amazon, select independent retailers, and missfortunesla.com. Instagram: missfortunescookies Facebook: Missfortunes1

Miss Fortunes is the brainchild of husband and wife team, Leiah and Andrew Robbins. The idea was born from a spouse vs. spouse challenge that took place whenever the couple went out for Chinese food. When it came time to read the fortune cookies, each would try to one-up the other by improvising the worst possible news that could be delivered by a fortune cookie. In 2021, the pair decided to share their “mis-fortunes” with the online world by putting them in devilishly red fortune cookies, and selling them on Etsy. Two thousand orders later, the couple has taken the idea from online to retail, and in 2023, to a restaurant near you. Learn more at missfortunesla.com.


Paul Williams

Release Summary

Miss Fortunes has launched "doses of reality" with its hilarious "Mis-Fortune" cookies - ideal gifts for that office party.

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Paul Williams