Hygieia adds Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center as clinical partner for its d-Nav® Insulin Management Program

New partnership expands availability of d-Nav program for underserved community

LIVONIA, Mich.--()--Hygieia, a provider of digital therapeutics for insulin management, has added Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center in Dearborn as a clinical partner. The partnership extends Hygieia’s d-Nav® network and makes autonomous insulin therapy service available for underserved population.

The unique d-Nav® Insulin Management Program uses AI-powered technology to prescribe the appropriate insulin dose each time a patient prepares to inject. The result is safe and effective insulin treatment. Studies have shown that nearly 90 percent of d-Nav patients have improved A1C levels within 90 days*, without increasing the risk for hypoglycemia**.

“Our partnership model gives endocrinologists a new dimension of care for their patients: autonomous dose adjustments,” said Israel Hodish, MD, Ph.D., Hygieia medical director. “This allows patients to receive necessary dose adjustments whenever needed, leading to better outcomes. Plus, a Hygieia partnership gives endocrinology practices the opportunity for additional revenue while freeing up resources in their very busy clinics.”

Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center, one of the largest endocrinology practices in Michigan, is incorporating the d-Nav program into a standard protocol for its eligible patients.

“We have seamlessly operationalized the d-Nav program into our practice, and we have already seen positive results,” said Eric Alzaroui, chief operating officer at Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center. “Hygieia embeds dedicated diabetes specialists into our practice, so we can get patients started on the program quickly.”

Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center is also collaborating with Hygieia to support patients on the program who speak Arabic and Spanish, offering materials, instruction, and ongoing communication so these patients can properly use the d-Nav program.

d-Nav Technology addresses the biggest concern related to insulin therapy - the risk of hypoglycemia brought on by extremely low glucose levels. d-Nav Technology is the only device that is FDA cleared for autonomous delivery of insulin dose recommendations.

So, rather than adjusting an insulin dose only after a patient sees their doctor for evaluation, d-Nav Technology allows users to receive dose adjustments directly, right when needed. The d-Nav Technology enables patients to safely receive the frequency of insulin titration that meets the American Diabetes Association’s 2021 standard of care, without added demands on the physician’s time.

For more information on the d-Nav Insulin Management Program, visit dnav.com or call 734-369-9980.

About Hygieia

Hygieia is the developer of d-Nav®, the first FDA-cleared technology to autonomously adjust insulin doses directly to the patient. d-Nav’s AI-powered technology automatically interprets data and independently initiates insulin management. The d-Nav Insulin Management Program adds clinical support that helps people with type 2 diabetes adjust their insulin doses according to their body’s changing insulin needs. Studies have shown that nearly 90 percent of people using d-Nav report lower A1C in just three months* without increasing the risk for hypoglycemia**. The d-Nav Insulin Management Program has been peer-reviewed with studies published in leading medical journals. Hygieia is headquartered in Livonia, Michigan. Learn more at d-Nav.com.

* John E Schneider et al. Impact of a Novel Insulin Management Service on Non-insulin Pharmaceutical Expenses. J Health Econ Outcomes Res. 2018 Feb 20;6(1):53-62. https://jheor.org/article/9783

** Richard M Bergenstal et al. Automated insulin dosing guidance to optimise insulin management in patients with type 2 diabetes: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2019 Mar 16;393(10176):1138-1148. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30808512/

About Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center

Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center is a Dearborn, Michigan-based physician practice focusing on the care and treatment of adults and children with a wide range of endocrine disorders including diabetes. The clinical team includes six board certified physicians and one certified nurse practitioner. Learn more at metrodetroitendocrinology.com.


Debbie Reinheimer, debbie@reinheimerpr.com

Release Summary

Hygieia, a provider of digital therapeutics for insulin management, has added Metro Detroit Endocrinology Center in Dearborn as a clinical partner.

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Debbie Reinheimer, debbie@reinheimerpr.com