
Aging Media Selects PharmScript's Vaishali Chokshi for Future Leaders Award

SOMERSET, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PharmScript, a leading pharmacy provider to long-term care and post-acute care facilities, today announced the selection of Vaishali Chokshi, Pharmacy Operations Manager at PharmScript, as an Aging Media's Future Leaders award recipient.

The Future Leaders award recognizes rising stars under forty years old from across the long-term care continuum, including home health, hospice, senior housing, and skilled nursing.

"PharmScript is incredibly proud to see Vaishali selected as a member of the Future Leaders Class of 2022," said Mindy Ferris, RPh, Executive Vice President of Pharmacy Operations and Customer Success at PharmScript. "Vaishali deserves recognition for her commitment to the long-term care field."

Future Leaders are high-performing employees helping shape the next decade of care delivery. These individuals are passionate about advocating for seniors and ensuring their wellbeing.

"To my colleagues who submitted me for this recognition, I thank you and am humbled to be included in the Future Leaders cohort with my industry colleagues," said Chokshi. "I'm proud to work in the senior industry and look forward to the future."

For the complete list of Future Leaders and to learn more about Aging Media, visit https://futureleaders.agingmedia.com/.

About PharmScript

As a leading pharmacy provider to long-term care and post-acute care facilities, PharmScript serves more than 900 facilities and 120,000 residents across the United States. Founded in 2009 with the goal of providing a seamless pharmacy experience, PharmScript is committed to helping providers deliver patient-centered care with high-quality service, accuracy, timeliness, and cost containment. For more information, please visit www.pharmscript.com.


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