Hygieia announces new CPT codes for autonomous insulin dose titration

LIVONIA, Mich.--()--Hygieia, a digital therapeutics company for insulin therapy, announces the American Medical Association (AMA) CPT Editorial Panel has approved two new Category III codes for autonomous insulin dose titration, which can be used for Hygieia’s d-Nav® Technology.

d-Nav is the first FDA-cleared technology to autonomously adjust insulin dose recommendations to correspond to a patient’s changing insulin needs. Patients get the correct insulin dose at each injection, without the need for physician intervention. Studies have shown that nearly 90 percent of d-Nav patients have improved A1C levels within 90 days*, without increasing the risk for hypoglycemia**. The d-Nav Technology supports all common insulin regimens, and according to the Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes is a way to assist patients with insulin dosing to improve A1C with minimal hypoglycemia***.

According to information released by the AMA in a previous communication, the term “autonomous” is defined as technology that interprets data and independently generates clinically relevant conclusions without concurrent physician or other QHP involvement.

“These new codes acknowledge the important role digital therapeutics play in medicine today,” said Eran Bashan, Ph.D., Hygieia co-founder and board chairman. “The AMA Editorial Board’s action is a meaningful next step in making lifesaving and cost-saving technologies such as d-Nav more broadly available and accessible to physicians and their patients. Now, we encourage health insurers to add the codes into their benefit plans for members with diabetes.”

The American Medical Association Editorial Panel released the new codes to its website on July 1, 2022, and they will be effective on January 1, 2023. The two codes are:

  • 0740T – Remote, autonomous algorithm-based recommendation system for insulin dose calculation and titration; initial set-up and patient education.
  • 0741T – Provision of software, data collection, transmission, and storage, each 30 days.

Diabetes is a growing problem in the United States and abroad. Insulin therapy is extremely effective when used correctly, but the intervention required by a medical provider to optimize that therapy can be onerous. Due to the increasing administrative burden on the medical system, digital therapeutics like d-Nav are gaining acceptance as a vital part of the standard of care. The new CPT codes signify a major breakthrough for digital therapeutics to be included in insurance coverage.

The AMA describes Category III codes as temporary for the further evaluation of emerging technologies, procedures, and services. More information on Category III codes can be found at the AMA’s website.

For more information about d-Nav, contact +1-734-743-2838 or go to d-nav.com.

About Hygieia/ d-Nav Insulin Management Program

Hygieia is the developer of d-Nav®, the first FDA-cleared technology to autonomously adjust insulin doses directly to the patient. d-Nav’s AI-powered technology automatically interprets data and independently initiates insulin management. The d-Nav Insulin Management Program adds clinical support that helps people with type 2 diabetes adjust their insulin doses according to their body’s changing insulin needs. Studies have shown that nearly 90 percent of people using d-Nav report lower A1C in just three months* without increasing the risk for hypoglycemia**. The d-Nav Insulin Management Program has been peer-reviewed with studies published in leading medical journals. Hygieia is headquartered in Livonia, Michigan. Learn more at d-Nav.com.

* John E Schneider et al. Impact of a Novel Insulin Management Service on Non-insulin Pharmaceutical Expenses. J Health Econ Outcomes Res. 2018 Feb 20;6(1):53-62. https://jheor.org/article/9783

** Richard M Bergenstal et al. Automated insulin dosing guidance to optimise insulin management in patients with type 2 diabetes: a multicentre, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2019 Mar 16;393(10176):1138-1148. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30808512/

*** American Diabetes Association, Glycemic Targets: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes—2021. Diabetes Care 2021;44(Supplement_1):S73–S84. https://doi.org/10.2337/dc21-S006


Debbie Reinheimer, debbie@reinheimerpr.com

Release Summary

Two new Category III CPT codes are approved for autonomous insulin dose titration, which can be used for Hygieia’s d-Nav® Technology.

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Debbie Reinheimer, debbie@reinheimerpr.com